
Office of Education and Data Management (OEDM)


The Office of Education and Data Management (OEDM) performs all credentialing responsibilities - including training, testing and records maintenance - for the Office of the State Building Inspector (OSBI) and the Office of State Fire Marshal (OSFM).  As such, OEDM is responsible for training and accrediting Building Code Enforcement and Fire Officials, as well as providing code-related instruction to individuals in the allied trade and design professions.

We work closely with OSBI and OSFM, and educational and code organizations, building trade and professional associations, local utilities, government agencies and the private sector to develop and teach training curricula that is timely and relevant. 

Individuals who wish to become a licensed Building Code Enforcement Official must pass qualifying examinations; those who wish to become a certified Fire Official must pass must pass examinations also. These exams are developed and administered through the OEDM Testing Unit. Prior to admittance to an exam, preparatory training programs are offered in both content areas. These programs run from 18 days to 60 days in length, depending on the accreditation desired.

Once licensure or certification is earned, Building and Fire Officials are required by statute to earn continuing education credits to maintain accreditation. 

OEDM, in conjunction with the State Fire Marshal, State Building Inspector and Joint Training Council, develops annual training calendars based on new codes and high-priority topics. 

Our office tracks pre-accreditation training, credentialing criteria, continuing education credits, and manages the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) for all 256 Connecticut fire jurisdictions and maintains Burn Injury Report information for all Connecticut health care providers. We also collect the Code Training and Education fees assessed on local building permits.
