School construction grant forms
Person at laptop with checklist illustration overlay

Grant forms at your fingertips

The administration of school construction grants relies heavily on the timing and accuracy of submitted documentation. The necessary forms and documents are available on this page.

Click the link below to see a full list of the School Construction Grant forms.

All required forms regarding plan review and approval  

School Construction Grant forms

Looking for a specific school construction grant form? Find them organized by series using the links below.

Basic requirements SCG series 000 forms 

SCG 000 series of basic requirements forms.

Grant unit forms SCG series 1000 forms 

SCG 1000 series of forms - from summary of expenditures to reimbursement rates, and more.

Project cost and estimating requirements SCG series 2000 forms 

SCG 2000 series, including building project soft costs to building systems outline for cost estimating and more.

Design guidelines SCG series 2500 forms 

SCG 2500 series of forms on design standards and guidelines.

Checklists SCG series 3000 forms 

SCG 3000 series of forms - from project team list to photovoltaic system installation checklist.

Certifications SCG series 3000 forms 

SCG 3000 series of certifications - from playground design, maintenance, and inspection to seismic loads.

Bulletins SCG series 3000 and 7000 forms 

SCG 3000 and 7000 series of forms - from sole source bidding to plan review procedures and more.

Renovate as new SCG series 3500 forms 

SCG 3500 series of forms - from cost analysis for proposed renovation project to RNV checklist.

Ineligible and limited eligible project costs SCG series 4000 forms 

SCG 4000 series of forms - from 6-month rule memo to eligible and ineligible items for FF&E and technology.

School safety SCG series 7000 series forms 

SCG 7000 series of forms - from DEHMS School Security Completive Grant Program to NCEF School Safety Checklist.

Reports on the condition of CTs public school facilities SCG Series 7500 forms 

SCG 7500 series of reports on the condition of public school facilities in Connecticut.

Letters SCG series 9000 forms 

SCG 9000 series of forms - including designated accessible schools letter and window film acknowledgement letter.

Wage rates CT department of labor and SCG series 6000 series forms 

Forms on annual adjustments, prevailing wages and adjustments, and more from the CT Department of Labor.

Health requirements CT department of public health 

From the CT Department of Health, asbestos in schools to water supply systems.

Transportation CT department of transportation 

From the CT Department of Transportation (DOT), encroachment permits and Office of State Traffic Administration.