
Apply for School Construction Grants


Applications should be submitted through CORE-CT at the following website: https://www.osc.ct.gov/vendor/index.html. Districts are to log in via the “Vendor Self Serve” instructions at the bottom of the screen. 

All local and regional school districts should have a municipal or district CORE-CT administrator who can create user accounts. The school district may request the creation of a CORE-CT account for their superintendent from their municipal CORE administrator. If you are unaware of who your municipal CORE administrator is, please contact our office at DAS.GrantsAdministration@ct.gov.  

Please review the PowerPoint at this link for additional resources on how to apply through CORE: How to Apply in CORE - School Construction Grants.

Contact the Office of Grants Administration staff at DAS.GrantsAdministration@ct.gov if you have any questions.