The HVAC Indoor Air Quality Grant Program encourages public school districts to install, replace, or upgrade their heating, ventilation, or air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Eligible applicants include:
- Local boards of education
- Regional boards of education
- Regional education service centers
The Department of Administrative Services, Office of Grants Administration oversees the program, which is funded with state bonding and federal Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSFRF). Approximately $244 million is available for funding for FY 2024, including $169 million in state bond funds and $75 million in federal CSFRF funds.
Sections 10, 360, and 367 of Public Act 22-118 established the program. It was codified into the Connecticut General Statutes at § 10-265r and § 10-265t and has been amended by Sections 48 and 328 of Public Act 23-204 and Sections 58 and 119 of Public Act 23-205.