

The Office of Education and Data Management (OEDM) administers Connecticut burn injury reporting on behalf of the State Fire Marshal.

C.G.S.19a-510a requires all attending physicians, administrators of Healthcare Institutions, their designee or any other Healthcare provider, to report the following treated burn injuries:

1. Second or third degree burns to 5% or more of the body

2. Any burn to the upper respiratory tract

3. Laryngeal edema due to the inhalation of superheated air

4. Each case of a burn injury which is likely to or may result in death

5. Any injury resulting from the use of fireworks 

Compliance with this law gives both local and state fire officials detailed information that can be used to develop burn injury prevention strategies and fire prevention programs. This database is also valuable in supplying timely information for use in arson and child abuse investigations.

All Healthcare providers have been sent information on the Burn Injury reporting requirements.