
Earn Continuing Education Credits for Building Code Enforcement Official Licensure and Fire Official Certification

How To

The Office of Education and Data Management (OEDM) offers four ways to earn continuing education credits:

  1. OEDM Career Development Live Classes
    These three-hour classes are held mornings and evenings at various locations across the state, and present the latest information on the state building and fire codes.  Classes are open to design and trades professionals free of charge.
  2. OEDM Special Offerings and Conferences
    These training events range from four to eight hours, and target building and fire code applications for credentialed officials and design and trades professionals.  There is no fee for attending, but registration is required.
  3. OEDM Online Training
    Starting in 2017, OEDM will partner with outside vendors to offer free online code classes to building and fire officials and design and trades professionals.
  4. Third-Party Outside Credit Trainings (Live and Online)
    Code classes are neither provided by nor sponsored by OEDM that pertain to the duties and responsibilities of a building or fire official may count toward your training hours. We recommend that you request credit approval prior to taking an outside class.
  5. Audit OEDM Pre-Licensure or Precertification Training Programs
    Seating is limited, and you must be approved to participate.

There are no fees for any of the above OEDM trainings. All OEDM programs are paid for by the Code Training and Education Fund. Revenue for the fund comes from assessments on building permit construction values.
