
Audit Building and Fire Official Pre-Credential Training Programs for Continuing Education Credit


For building code enforcement officials and fire officials who want to be retrained in a particular area, there are limited seats available in OEDM’s Pre-Licensure Training Program and Pre-Certification Training Program.

The programs are considered to be basic training below the level of a credentialed code official whereas OEDM's Career Development programs are focused on more complex and specific topics or deep dives into code changes and issues. While OEDM has offered available seats on a case by case basis for certain topics and areas of individual concern where remedial training may be deemed necessary, Pre-Licensure and Pre-Certification classes are not a readily available means for code officials behind on their CEU's to catch up.  

You must apply for and be approved to audit the training session(s) through the process found under the How To tab. Walk-ins will not be allowed.

If you are approved to audit one or more class sessions, you will earn continuing education credits for your time spent participating in training.
