
Report State Owned Vehicle Accidents


DAS Vehicle Incident/Accident Report (pdf) - Complete and email Accident Report to fleet.accidents@ct.gov within 48 hours.

DAS Vehicle Incident/Accident Report - Completion Instructions

First Report of Injury WC 207 (pdf) - The Supervisor must complete this form with the injured worker and then forward it along with the balance of the claim package to the Workers’ Compensation Unit within 24 hours.

CO-853 REPORT OF LOSS OR DAMAGE TO REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY - To report all losses or damage to real and personal property, other than motor vehicles.

Property Control Manual – Office of the State Comptroller - All State agencies must have policies and procedures in place to ensure that all assets currently owned, purchased under a capital lease, or certain non-owned property in possession of the state where insurance is required be properly recorded and reported by each respective state agency. This manual establishes guidelines for providing adequate oversight.