For Agency Transportation Administrators (ATA)
Reviewing internal agency requests for telematics data+
Data in the Telematics records will not be available for purposes of investigations unconnected to the speeding and related data reported to agencies unless:
The agency official seeking the information has submitted a formal written request to the Agency Transportation Administrator for review of such data; and
Such request includes specific information of alleged misconduct or performance deficiencies by a specific employee or employees which could be supported or disputed through the use of such data.
Rental Vehicle Authorization+
General Letter 115 states an ATA is responsible for “Authorizing agency employees to obtain rental vehicles and authorizing any deviations from standard rental requirements”. The ATA decides whether or not a rental vehicle is needed, and makes sure the driver has the appropriate unrestricted driver’s license to operate it (Driver Approval Request Form). As the ATA, you must accept the terms and conditions as noted in the motor-pool procedures and rates document, and recognize that any damage that occurs to the vehicle while in your agencies possession, is the liability of your agency.
Occasional Home Parking Authorization+
General Letter 115 states an ATA is responsible for “Deciding whether to allow an employee to park a stated-owned or rental vehicle at his or her home on an occasional basis, in accordance with the criteria set forth in this policy and any applicable collective bargaining agreements." Under very limited circumstances, when it is in the best interest of the agency, the ATA has the authority to allow an employee to park a state-owned or rental vehicle at his or her home. At times, it may make better business sense for an employee to take the vehicle home when the meeting goes longer than expected, or if starting with the vehicle from their residence on the following day is the most efficient way to proceed.
This is rare request and is NOT the same as a continuous basis Home-Garaging request, which can only be made by the Agency Head with the approval of the Director of State Fleet Operations.
Use of State-Owned vehicle by contract employees or volunteers+
General Letter 115 states an ATA is responsible for “Deciding whether a contract employee or volunteer has a justifiable need to drive a state vehicle, and, if so, requesting permission from the Director of Fleet Operations." State-Owned vehicles are to be used for state business only. If the ATA deems it necessary for a contract employee or a volunteer, use a State-Owned vehicle for state business, the ATA must submit a Driver Approval Request Form to make certain the person that will be operating the State-Owned vehicle has the proper unrestricted license to do so.
Authorizing reimbursements for personally-owned vehicle use+
General Letter 115 states an ATA is one who will be “Authorizing reimbursements to agency employees for the use of personally-owned vehicles on state business." The ATA authorizes an employee to use their vehicle for state business, and then authorizes the reimbursement. The tipping point where it might be better served using a State-Owned vehicle in some circumstances is approximately 700 miles per month. Should the reimbursements for mileage exceed the cost of utilizing a DAS Fleet Operations vehicle as an agency pool vehicle, the ATA should examine the situation and determine if a fleet vehicle (either monthly lease or daily rental) makes more sense.
Insuring up-to-date insurance for personally-owned vehicle use on State Business+
General Letter 115 states an ATA will be “Ensuring that an up-to-date statement of insurance with minimum liability is on file with the agency for each employee authorized to use a personally owned vehicle on official state business." If an ATA authorizes an employee to use their personally owned vehicle for state business, the employee’s vehicle must have the minimum required coverage on their vehicle, and a copy of that coverage must be kept on file with the agency.
Third party liability: $50,000/$100,000.
Property damage liability: $5,000
If the applicable collective bargaining agreement provides for different levels of minimum insurance coverage, the collective bargaining agreement controls.
Agency usage reports of State-Owned and rental vehicles+
General Letter 115 states it is up to the ATA to be “Maintaining records regarding the agency’s usage of state-owned and rental vehicles, including but not limited to daily mileage logs, and submitting any required reports to the Director of DAS Fleet Operations." An example is that mileage needs to be added each month, on the last date of the month, to verify the vehicle meets the minimum requirements to justify the need for the agency to utilize a state-owned vehicle. On average, 700 miles a month.
Agency records for personally-owned vehicle use reimbursements+
General Letter 115 states the ATA shall be “Maintaining records regarding the agency’s reimbursements to employees for use of personally-owned vehicles and submitting any required reports to the Director of DAS Fleet Operations." The main objective in retaining records of this type, will be to help determine if a DAS Fleet Operations vehicle may be a sounder budget decision than reimbursing employees for mileage while using their personal vehicles.
Investigating complaints concerning agency state vehicle use+
General Letter 115 states the ATA must be responsible for “Promptly investigating complaints concerning state vehicles, drivers and passengers and notifying the Director of DAS Fleet Operations of the outcome of the investigation; absent extenuating circumstances, the ATA shall notify the Director of DAS Fleet Operations of the outcome of the investigation within 30 days of receiving the complaint." Staying on top of this is critical since this information, and the compliance of the respective agencies, are subject to all Freedom of Information Requests. It also prevents repeated status inquiries by the complainant. One of the major stances we take at Fleet Operations is to validate the proper use of state-owned vehicles to help promote the positive role state employees have in conducting business across the state, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at an approximate 40,000,000 miles a year. This can only be done, with the assistance of ATA’s.
Obtaining permission and permits for State-Owned vehicle equipment additions+
General Letter 115 states that the ATA must be “Obtaining any necessary permits or permission for any equipment added to a state vehicle, in writing, from the Director of DAS Fleet Operations." This may include emergency lighting or other specialized equipment specific to the agency that is required to complete its mission. Vendors must be vetted, and components thoroughly reviewed, to ensure the proper installation and safe operation of the vehicle, as well as insuring that the Agencies and the operators of the vehicles are in statutory compliance with the use of any additions, such as emergency lights and sirens.
Ensuring agency drivers competency to operate a State-Owned vehicle+
General Letter 115 states the ATA must be “Ensuring that each agency employee who operates a motor vehicle on state business is aware of this policy and has the ability, knowledge, skill, experience and appropriate license to operate the type of vehicle assigned”. To routinely verify that agency employees hold the proper unrestricted license to operate a State-Owned vehicle, fill out the Driver Approval Request Form, and email it to The mere presentation of an operator’s license with a valid expiration date, alone does not satisfy this requirement.