
DAS Construction Services - Summary of Hazardous Materials Inspection and Abatement Services

Emergency Use of Funds

Under this program, an emergency is a condition which presents an immediate threat to the health and safety of any persons, and/or disrupts the normal operation of the agency (or portions thereof) and requires the commencement of hazmat services within a twenty-four (24) hour period. 

Prior to commencing any hazmat work, the Client Agency shall submit an 1165 request to DAS/CS that 

  1. thoroughly describes the scope of work, 
  2. identifies the project as an emergency meeting the definition above, and 
  3. identifies the consultant(s) and/or contractor(s) performing the work. 

Emergency requests do not need to include work plans or cost estimates from the consultants or contractors. The Client Agency may begin work immediately after notifying DAS C/S (no DAS pre-approval is required during an emergency). 

At the conclusion of the project, the consultant/contractor shall provide a line-item detail of time and materials for services performed, and payment will be made in accordance with the approved rates in the appropriate state contracts. DAS/CS reserves the right to reject payment at the discretion of the DAS Chief Architect.

The Client Agency and the consultant and/or contractor shall still be responsible for following all applicable state and federal requirements, terms and conditions of Contracts 19PSX0120 and 20PSX0154, and any corresponding DAS policies.