
State Surplus Property Auctions for Non-Profits to Claim


The Department of Administrative Services Surplus Property Program is the legally authorized agent in the State for the disposition of all usable property deemed surplus to a State agency's operating needs.

If the surplus property is not transferred between state agencies, it is offered to municipalities.  

Further, if the property is not claimed by a municipality, it is offered for sale to the public.  The sale is conducted through an online auction process where members of the public can bid on it.

If an auction closes with no bids, the property is made available for registered non-profits to claim on the auction website.

When property is available, auctions are held online at the Public Surplus.  We encourage everyone to review the auction site regularly and take advantage of the program offerings.

It is important to note that depending upon State business needs, there is no way to forecast what and when property will become available on the auction website.
