
DAS Construction Contractor Prequalification Program


  • Can I change the prequalification classification/s and/or aggregate work capacity that I am given during the course of the year?

    Yes, prequalified contractors may apply at any time to change their prequalification classification(s) and/or aggregate work capacity ratings by submitting the applicable fee and any other information the DAS requires.

    Find Classifications:

    Listing of classifications (and their definitions) for which a contractor would be applying using the DAS Construction Contractor Prequalification:  View Classification List


  • Can I obtain prequalification for a Joint Venture?
    Answer: No, DAS does not prequalify joint ventures or accept for initial prequalification contractor performance evaluations for projects completed by joint ventures. When a joint venture bids on projects requiring prequalification, both companies involved in the joint venture must be individually prequalified. 
  • C.G.S. 4a-101 states that once my company is awarded a project that is subject to the contractor prequalification program it will be evaluated by the awarding authority/owner. At what points during the project will these evaluations be conducted?
    Answer: When 50% of the work on the construction project is completed, the awarding authority/owner must give the contractor a written copy of the preliminary evaluation. This 50% evaluation is between the awarding authority/owner and the contractor. DAS does not receive a copy of this evaluation. When 100% of the work on the construction project is completed, the awarding authority/owner must complete and submit an evaluation form for the contractor (that signed a contract directly with the awarding authority/owner). DAS must receive a copy of this evaluation. This evaluation will factor into the contractor’s ability to prequalify in the future. .  NOTE: This evaluation requirement applies only to contractors who have signed a contract directly with the awarding authority/owner.
  • Do I have to be prequalified with the DAS Contractor Prequalification Program if my company supplies material but does not do any installation or construction work?
    Answer: No. Suppliers of material or products who do not do installation or construction work are not subject to the DAS Construction Contractor prequalification requirement.
  • Do sub-contractors who participate on these projects have to be prequalified?
    Answer: Yes, as of October 1, 2023 per the CT General Statute 4a-100, as amended by Public Act No. 23-204, no company whose contract exceeds five hundred thousand dollars in value may perform work as a subcontractor on said projects, unless the company is prequalified with the Department of Administrative Services.
  • What is the workforce requirement for contracts over $500,000 but under $1,000,000?
    Answer: Effective October 1, 2023, per the CT General Statute 4a-100, as amended by Public Act No. 23-204, employers performing work under a DAS construction contract must participate in a workforce development program in which newly hired employees and existing employees are given the opportunity to develop skills. This may include, but need not be limited to: (1) an apprenticeship training through an apprenticeship program registered with the Labor Department or a federally recognized state apprenticeship agency that complies with the requirements of 29 CFR 29 and 29 CFR 30 and (2) pre-apprenticeship training that will enable students to qualify for a registered apprenticeship training.
  • How do I apply?

    To apply for Construction Contractor Prequalification your company must complete the following: 

    To create a BizNet account:

    1. For New BizNet Users, go to the BizNet website Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window and choose 'Create New Account'
    2. Once your account has been verified, you are now ready to move on to the application process.

    For Initial Application:

    1. Login to the BizNet website Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window
    2. Go to the page labeled 'Doing Business With The State'
    3. Choose the 'Contractor Prequalification Application' link
    4. Once on the Contractor Dashboard, choose the link for 'Application'
    5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete each page
    6. Once your application is complete with all documents uploaded, submit the application.  You will receive a confirmation that your application has been submitted successfully.
    7. You now have to submit payment.  Your application will not be processed until payment is received.  Online payments via credit card are preferred, however checks will be accepted.
  • How do I know which projects require prequalification from prospective bidders?
    Answer: (C.G.S. 4a-100) requires the awarding authority to advertise for bids on these projects and to indicate the prequalification classification they are seeking. Projects requiring prequalification are state funded, costing $1,000,000 or more per the CT General Statute 4a-100, as amended by Public Act No. 23-204 for the construction, reconstruction, alteration, remodeling, repair or demolition of any public building or any other public work by the state or a municipality except a public highway or bridge project or any other construction project administered by the Department of Transportation.
  • How do I renew my prequalification certificate and is there a fee?

    It is the responsibility of each contractor to ensure that prequalification does not lapse. DAS will notify firms as a courtesy via e-mail approximately 90/60/30 days prior to expiration of prequalification. Note: These emails are sent to the contact person on the Prequalification Application and the UserID of the Application.

    To Renew application for Construction Contractor Prequalification your company must complete the following: 

  • How long does my initial prequalification last?
    Answer: For one year. The DAS may issue a certificate of prequalification to any applicant who meets the requirements as outlined by the DAS. The certificate will be effective for one year from the date issued and will indicate the contractor’s prequalification classification, aggregate work capacity rating and single limit rating. 
  • How long does the prequalification process take?
    Answer: Upon receipt of a completed application the DAS will provide you a preliminary determination within sixty 60 days. Be advised that an application is considered complete when all required hard copy documentation and the on-line application have been received by the DAS.
  • How will I be notified that my company has been prequalified?
    Answer: Once you are prequalified you will receive a notice via email of your company’s approval for prequalification and directions on how to retrieve your Prequalification Certificate. The certificate will indicate the prequalification classification(s), aggregate work capacity rating, single limit rating and the certificate expiration date. Note: These emails are sent to the contact person on the Prequalification Application and the UserID of the Application.
  • If I want to bid on a project subject to prequalification, what do I need to include with the bid?

    Each bid submitted for a contract that has a prequalification requirement shall include an update bid statement and, if required by the public agency soliciting such bid, a copy of the prequalification certificate issued by the Commissioner of Administrative Services.

    1. Update Bid Statement: This document can be completed on-line by logging into your application and clicking on Update Bid Statement 
    2. Prequalification Certificate: A copy of the prequalification certificate can be printed here.
  • Is there a contractor directory?
    Answer: Yes, click here for the electronic directory which lists contractors and a status of their prequalification application.
  • What are some of the possible circumstances for which a contractor may be found ineligible for prequalification?
    Answer: Examples representing, but not limited to, circumstances where DAS may find ineligibility.
  • What are the criteria for prequalification?

    There are five categories:

    • Integrity
    • Work Experience (Skill and Ability-Public & Private)
    • Experience and Qualifications of Supervisory Personnel Employed by the Applicant
    • Financial Condition
    • Safety
  • What are the hard copy documents that must be sent to the DAS?
    Answer: List of documentation that must be uploaded with your on-line Contractor Prequalification Application.
  • What are the prequalification classifications?
    Answer: Complete listing of classifications with descriptions.
  • What happens if I apply for prequalification but my application is denied?
    Answer: Any applicant aggrieved by the DAS’ preliminary determination may request copies of the information upon which the DAS relied in making the preliminary determination, provided such request is made not later than ten days after the date the notice was sent by electronic mail to the applicant. No later than twenty days after the notice was sent by electronic mail to the applicant, the applicant may submit additional information to the DAS with a request for reconsideration. The DAS will issue a final determination regarding the application no later than ninety days after the preliminary determination伀 was sent by electronic mail. This ninety-day period may be extended for an additional period not to exceed ninety days if (1) the DAS gives written notice to the applicant that the DAS requires additional time, and (2) such notice is sent by electronic mail during the initial ninety-day period. Any applicant aggrieved by the DAS’ final determination concerning a preliminary determination, a denial of certification, a reduction in prequalification classification or aggregate work capacity rating, or a revocation or non-renewal of certification may appeal to the Superior Court in accordance with C.G.S. 4-183.
  • What if I am already prequalified by the Connecticut DOT? Do I still have to be prequalified through the DAS?
    Answer: Yes, if you want to bid on projects covered by the prequalification legislation. The DAS and DOT prequalification programs are different.
  • What is the Contractor Prequalification Program?
    Answer: The DAS Contractor Prequalification Program (C.G.S. 4a-100) requires all contractors to prequalify before they can bid on a contract or perform work pursuant to a contract for the construction, reconstruction, alteration, remodeling, repair or demolition of any public building or any other public work by the state or a municipality, estimated to cost more than $1,000,000 per the CT General Statute 4a-100, as amended by Public Act No. 23.204 and which is funded in whole or in part with state funds, except a public highway or bridge project or any other construction project administered by the Department of Transportation.