
DAS (and OPM)- Waivers of the Bid Process


CT General Statute Section 4a-58 requires the Department of Administrative Services to post a listing of all contracts that were entered into as a result of a waiver of the competitive bid process.  

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CT Public Act 19-117 Section 103(a) requires the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) post a listing of all contracts entered into as a result of a waiver of the competitive bid process.

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As of 10/01/22, there is a requirement to post a listing of all purchases not supported by competitive bidding or negotiation.

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CT General Statute Section 4a-59a(b)(2) requires the Department of Administrative Services post all contracts extended without complying with the competitive bidding requirements of that statute.  See below for contract(s) and explanation:

Approval has been granted to extend Contract 17PSX0060 for a period of twelve (12) months - September 1, 2023, through August 31, 2024, inclusive, while working with stakeholders in the Qualified Partnership program that may result in changes to processes, contractual language, and possible legislation.  This extension allows time for due diligence to review the Qualified Partnership program and keep the continuity of custodial services at 395 West Street, Rocky Hill.  
As a result of an administrative error, approval is granted to extend Contract 16PSX0129 for a period of three (3) months – November 1, 2022 through January 31, 3023, inclusive – due to the necessity of cancelling and resoliciting the successor contract for necessary janitorial services at 450 Columbus Boulevard in Hartford.