
DAS Procurement Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Program Information


  • What are environmentally preferable products?

    Environmentally preferable products have a lower ecological footprint as compared to other products which serve a similar purpose. These products are often more efficient, long-lasting, involve less harmful raw materials, utilize eco-friendly materials for packaging and are capable of being recycle/reused or safe to dispose. These products are also manufactured in safe environments for environment and workers and benefit society in general. Eco-labels and Marketplace standards are a great way to gauge how eco-friendly a product is.

  • What is Environmentally Preferable Purchasing?


    Environmentally preferable purchasing program helps the State of Connecticut promote innovation in suppliers and sustainability in its purchases. This is done by utilizing marketplace efficiency standards and eco-labels in procuring products and services. The program seeks to realize savings on life-cycle cost, reduce ecological footprint of stakeholders while encouraging competitiveness among suppliers.

  • How does the state of Connecticut buy green?


    The state of Connecticut incorporates specifications indicating efficiency and environmental standards in RFPs and RFQs. These specifications are incorporated based on legal regulations and administrative policy. Such specifications are often related to recycled/recyclable content, toxicity and pollution reduction, energy efficiency etc.

  • How are EPP products and services verified?


    When the bid is being evaluated, the procurement contracts specialists will verify if it meets the minimum EPP specifications mentioned in the solicitation. Compliance is also verified through several means but not restricted to third party certifications, certification databases and publicly available documentation.

  • Where can I find EPP contracts and solicitations?


    EPP contracts as well as active bid solicitations can be found on the biznet website maintained by state of Connecticut. You can access it by clicking here.

    For the EPP contracts, you should select EPP in the search box and the state agency or department you are interested in providing service or product to.

  • How can I sell my product or service to the state?


    The need for an EPP product or service comes from the purchasers – State agencies, Counties and municipalities. The Department of Administrative services works with the purchasers to ensure that their needs are met preferably with ecofriendly means.

    In order to list your environmentally preferable product or services seek the qualification of a third-party environmental certification as Department of Administrative services does not endorse or maintain a list of EPP products and services. We appreciate the interest you have shown to sell an EPP product to the state.