
DAS Fleet Information for Agency Heads


  • Enforcing General Letter 115

    General Letter 115 states an Agency Head is responsible for “Enforcing this policy at their agencies." General Letter 115 was developed to administer the use of state-owned motor vehicles, as well as motor vehicles rented or owned by state employees that are used for official state business. It includes guidelines for Agency Heads, Authorized Transportation Administrators, and Drivers. As the Agency Head, it is your responsibility to ensure that all components of this policy are enforced.

  • Ensuring the efficient and cost-effective use of state-owned and rental vehicles

    General Letter 115 states that Agency Heads will be “Ensuring the efficient and cost-effective use of state-owned and rental vehicles consistent with their agencies’ missions." Agency Heads must keep apprised of vehicle usage within their agency, and commit to making sure their use is in line with their agencies missions.

  • Determining the Agency's vehicle needs

    General Letter 115 states an Agency Head is responsible for ”Determining the agency’s vehicle needs and submitting requests for state-owned vehicles to the Director of DAS Fleet Operations." Depending on the agencies business requirements, a state-owned vehicle may make more sense than reimbursing employees to use their own vehicles. On average, the balance tips towards a DAS vehicle if mileage exceeds 700 miles per month. Additionally, special application vehicles may be required, and can be satisfied through a DAS Fleet Operations vehicle request. To submit a request, fill out the Vehicle Request Form and submit to the Director of DAS Fleet Operations.

  • Making determinations of continuous home garaging requests

    General Letter 115 states an Agency Head is responsible for “Deciding whether an employee has a justifiable need to park a state-owned or rental vehicle at his or her home on a continuous basis in accordance with the criteria set forth in this policy and any applicable collective bargaining agreements, and, if so, requesting permission from the Director of DAS Fleet Operations." If there are circumstances that arise where it would make more sense for staff to take their vehicle home at night on a continuous basis, the Agency Head would need to make that determination and request permission from the Director of DAS Fleet Operations. To submit a request, fill out the Home Garage Request and submit to the Director of DAS Fleet Operations.

  • Taking appropriate disciplinary action for violations of General Letter 115

    General Letter 115 states an Agency Head is responsible for “Taking appropriate disciplinary action in the case of a violation of this policy, or for the unsafe operating practices of a motor vehicle." All components of General Letter 115 must be enforced by the Agency Head. Disciplinary action may need to be taken for violations of General Letter 115, or the unsafe operating practices of state-owned motor vehicles. Absent extenuating circumstances, the Director of DAS Fleet Operations shall be notified of the outcome of the investigation, within 30 days of receiving the complaint.

  • Having primary administrative access to agency vehicle telematics data and granting viewing authority to agency personnel as required
    Answer: The Agency Head is responsible for having primary agency administrative access to vehicle telematics data and granting viewing authority to agency personnel as required. Delegation of the authority to grant viewing rights for qualified agency personnel should be no lower than the Agency Head or the Agency Transportation Administrator to ensure only qualified personnel have access to telematics data.
  • Performing monthly reviews of telematics data to ensure compliance with operational guidelines and General Letter 115
    Answer: Telematics data shall be reviewed monthly to ensure the agencies mobile operations are in compliance with State Motor Vehicle laws, General Letter 115 Policy, Acceptable Use, Tax/Benefit Reporting requirements, and any agency specific policy related to the use of motor vehicles during the conduct of official state business.
  • Serving as, or designating, the Agency Transportation Administrator

    General Letter 115 states an Agency Head is responsible for ”Serving as or designating the Agency Transportation Administrator for their agencies." If the Agency Transportation Administrator role is going to be delegated, it shall be a high-level manager or executive with fiscal and policy-making authority who reports directly to the agency head.