
DAS Basic Fleet Information and Services


DAS General Letter No. 115 – contains the DAS Executive Branch light-duty vehicle policy state-owned and personally owned motor vehicles for state business.

Driver Consent Form – Driver Consent Form (license history) needs to be used to check the history of a potential driver that is not a permanent state employee, i.e., contractor, intern, volunteer. Email to DAS.Fleet@ct.gov 

Alternate Parking Location Request Form – Only for vehicles that operate regionally. Agency Transportation Administrator (ATA) must seek permission from DAS Fleet by performing an operational evaluation and submitting an Alternate Parking Location Request Form. Email to DAS.Fleet@ct.gov 

Home Garage Request Form- Agency Head is responsible for determining Home Garage needs and requesting permission from the Director of DAS Fleet Operations. Email to DAS.Fleet@ct.gov 

DAS Vehicle Incident/Accident Report – EVERY incident/accident involving a State-owned vehicle is required to be reported to DAS Fleet Operations within 48 hours of the accident. Vehicle inspections to be performed within 72 hours. Email to Fleet.Accidents@ct.gov 

Daily Rental Authorization Form for Morgan Street Garage – For daily rentals that will be picked up and returned to the 155 Morgan Street Parking Garage in Hartford. Email to DAS.Fleet@ct.gov

Daily Rental Authorization Form for Fleet Garages – For daily rentals that will be picked up and returned from one of the three fleet garages in New Haven, Norwich, or Wethersfield. Email to rental pool garage at NewHaven.Fleet@ct.gov, Norwich.Fleet@ct.gov,  Wethersfield.Fleet@ct.gov