
GoOpen CT

Open Education Resources (OER) Testimonials

Hear from Connecticut students, educators, and leaders on how the use of OER has increased access to high-quality learning materials, broadened academic freedom, and decreased costs to learners and institutions across our state.


Doug Casey, State of CT: The promise of OER is why we are launching GoOpen CT

Promise of teachers co-creating, student access, launch of GoOpen CT

Doug Casey, State of CT: The benefits of open education resources

The many benefits of using open education resources, and why we are launching www.GoOpenCT.org

Kevin Corcoran, State of Connecticut: Taking control of instructional content

Licensing, inclusion of diverse perspectives; 1.6B items to choose from; Open CSCU to support faculty in Connecticut State Colleges and Universities

Josh Elliott, Fairfield University: Modeling OER's benefits for pre-service teachers

Pre-service teachers at Fairfield University save money by using open source textbooks and learn to use OER for instruction, carrying these practices with them when they become certified

Josh Elliott, Fairfield University: Cost savings and currency of OER

By using open education resources, school districts can take advantage of cost savings by not having to replace commercial materials and appreciate the currency of frequently updated content

Kathy Labadorf, University of Connecticut: Awareness about and launch of OER

Over two years, the adoption of an open textbook has saved UCONN students more than $700,000

Michael Rafferty, Region 14: OER's impact on curriculum budgets

The flexibility of OER has allowed Region 14 Public Schools to reduce its materials budget by 2/3

Michael Rafferty, Region 14: Credibility and adaptability of OER

Credibility and accessibility to high-quality learning materials that leverage our learning and technology staff

Kharl Reynado, University of Connecticut: Student advocacy for OER

OER provides affordability and accessibility; students should not have to pay to do their homework

Kharl Reynado, University of Connecticut: Student benefits of OER

OER levels the playing field, allowing all students to access materials at the same time

Eileen Rhodes, Capital Community College: OER for equity

If students can enroll in courses, they should be able to afford the materials for that class

Eileen Rhodes, Capital Community College: CCC NoLo campaign

The NoLo program provides transparency to students around the total cost of college courses

Eileen Rhodes, Capital Community College: Ensuring access to learning materials

OER as a solution to increasing access to high-quality materials

Lauren Slingluff, University of Connecticut: Affordability and equity of OER

A leader's perspective on providing student access to high-quality learning materials, removing the financial burden of buying textbooks

Lauren Slingluff, University of Connecticut: Faculty flexibility

When faculty use open education resources, they can customize the materials for the best possible student learning experience

Abbe Waldron, Region 14: Ensuring that all students have access to excellent resources

Curriculum and learning resources open to everyone, equity, standards alignment, improve learning

Abbe Waldron, Region 14: Co-creating an open digital literacy program

Information literacy curriculum map, open to reuse, revise, and redistribute - co-create curriculum