

Policy on Third-Party Endorsements and Supports

To further its mission and strategic initiatives, the Commission may occasionally support or endorse the work of other organizations. This policy defines the types of engagements and endorsements that the Commission entertains and the means by which its members review, approve, and ensure oversight of activities under such agreements.

Types of Engagements
Third parties or Commission members requesting that the Commission explicitly commit resources toward or endorse work initiatives should articulate clearly the nature of the engagement as one of two types:

  • Commitments of Support: Outside organizations may ask for direct financial or time investments by the Commission toward a defined work product. Examples could include research studies or cross-organization (public-private) initiatives. These types of requests should include details about the intent, likely outcomes, financials, timing, sustainability, staff resources (existing and requested), and beneficiaries of the work.

  • Endorsements: Individuals or organizations may enlist the Commission’s endorsement of previously developed work products or proposed initiatives that support the effective use of technology in education. Such endorsements may come in the form of formal letters and statements or as referrals to work products through the Commission’s Web site or other communication channels. Requests to support proposed (future) work products should articulate the goals, funding source(s), timeline, actors, and beneficiaries of the initiative. Organizations that earn the Commission’s endorsement must agree to provide the Executive Director periodic updates on progress against stated program goals.

    Simple referrals to resources should provide a copy of or link to the work product as well as a clear statement of how the resource(s) support the Commission’s objectives. Endorsements and referrals include no financial contributions from the Commission and minimal administrative involvement.


The Commission entertains requests for support or endorsements from educational institutions or professional associations with a mission to further teaching and learning. The Commission does not endorse individuals, for-profit organizations, or solution providers unless there exists a partnership or agreement between the Commission and those entities that results in a work product with demonstrated benefits to the educational community.


Review and Approval
The Chair and Executive Director will review and approve or deny requests presented by members of the Commission or its Advisory Councils or directly from third-party organizations to endorse work that aligns with the Commission’s goals and notify Commission members of these endorsements.

Commitments of support, either financial or in staff time, require review and approval by the Commission members during normally scheduled (quarterly) Commission meetings. In time-sensitive situations, such as in the case of a third party needing to submit letters of support for a grant application, the Chair and Executive Director may call a Special Meeting to review and vote on support requests. In all cases, requests must indicate the level of support expected from the Executive Director (e.g., total expected hours, travel, etc.). Any time the Commission invests financially or through staff time, the Commission will designate either the Executive Director or another Commission member as an advisor to the initiative to help ensure good stewardship of the Commission’s committed resources.