
Video Hosting Services

Related Resources

  • Internet Information Services (IIS)

  • Vimeo

  • Microsoft Stream

    BITS IIS Media Services

    In addition to the state portal (CT.gov ), DAS Bureau of Information Technology Solutions (DAS/BITS) manages a media web site (ctvideo.ct.gov), which gives agencies a dedicated place to host their video and audio files. They can then stream these files via the state’s web portal. DAS/BITS manage the servers, which includes hardware, operating system, backups, and disaster recovery.


    Vimeo.com is a video sharing platform that agencies can use to host and stream videos. More information can be found at https://vimeo.com.

    Microsoft Stream (internal video hosting)

    Microsoft Stream (https://web.microsoftstream.com) is an Enterprise Video service where agencies can upload, view, and share videos securely. It is part of the Office 365 suite of cloud applications. Currently, Stream is only available for hosting internal videos. For more information, please contact your agency’s IT staff and/or Office 365 administrator.