DAS grants
Architect presenting plans

Explore CT DAS grants information and resources

The Department of Administrative Services (DAS) funds projects across the State of Connecticut through grants. The DAS Office of Grants Administration oversees several grant programs, including:

  • General school construction grants, such as new construction or renovations of public schools
  • HVAC indoor air quality grants for public schools

Explore important information about DAS grants below. This includes the types of available grants, how to apply for grants, and contact information for the Office of Grants Administration.

CT School Construction Grants

Person in construction cap

Get funding for school construction projects

Considering a new school construction project or renovation? Then you might be eligible for grant funding from the Department of Administrative Services. We offer school construction project grants to:

  • Connecticut towns and municipalities
  • Regional school districts
  • Regional educational service centers (RESCs)

Follow the link below to learn all about school construction grants, including types of grants, the application process, and more.

  • HVAC indoor air quality grants 
    Explore grants to help schools improve air quality by installing, replacing, or upgrading their heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.
  • Non-priority list grants 
    Discover what kinds of school construction projects can skip the Priority List for direct approval by the Office of Grants Administration.
  • Priority list grants 
    Learn more about the list of projects DAS submits to the Governor and Education Committee for approval. Explore current and past Priority Lists.

Apply for DAS grants

Business people smiling

How to request funding from DAS

Want grant funding from DAS for your project? Get started by submitting a grant application on behalf of your district.

Head to the Office of the State Comptroller’s online portal, Core-CT, to begin the application process. You’ll be able to submit all required documents on Core-CT, including project plans and data.

The DAS Office of Grants Administration reviews all grant applications for approval. Major projects, such as renovations, alterations, and new school buildings need to be added to the Priority List and approved by the CT legislature before they can be funded.

Contact DAS
