RFS Square Footage Calculation

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How is square footage calculated on the RFS form?

In 2013, DAS, SPRB, and OPM established a space standard of 220 square feet per employee for new leases, expansions of existing leases, or relocations of existing leases. While still higher than private industry, this 220-square-foot figure brings State space standards more in line with our private sector counterparts. This does not mean each employee gets a 220-square-foot office or cubicle. The 220 square foot figure includes an employee’s workspace and proportionally assigned square footage for circulation space and rooms such as reception areas, conference rooms, file storage, kitchens, and other common areas within the office space. If an agency has a unique space requirement, such as a very large waiting room, hearing room, etc., additional square footage may be approved; however, this is considered by DAS and OPM on a case-by-case basis. When preparing State Facility Plan submissions, agencies should base their square footage needs on 220 square feet multiplied by the number of approved employees.

Leasing and Property Transfer State Agency Requests for Space