DAS General Letter 38 - Applying Most Recent Score to Promotional Exam

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What is the new policy regarding promotional examinations for state employees in Connecticut?

DAS General No. 38 (PDF) states that if you are a state employee and you've taken a promotional exam for a certain job before, you can use the score from that old exam for a new exam for the same job. But, there are some rules:

  1. The old and new exams must be similar, like both being written tests.
  2. The exam announcement should say that you can use an old score.
  3. You must still meet all the other requirements for the job and the exam.
  4. Your old exam should not be more than seven years old.

If you want to use your old score, you have to fill out a special form (CTHR-26) and send it to the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) before the deadline for the new exam. DAS will check everything to make sure it's okay, and then you don't have to retake the exam if approved. Your name and old score will be put on the list for the new exam.

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