DAS General Letter 31 - Criteria to Extend Test or Probationary Period

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What are the specific situations outlined in the "General Letter No. 31" that warrant an extension of the Working Test Period for bargaining unit employees?

DAS General Letter 31 (PDF) provides the following:

  1. Sick Leave: If an employee is on sick leave for more than fifteen (15) working days during the working test period, the period may be extended for the same number of days charged to sick leave.
  2. Workers’ Compensation: When an employee is on Workers’ Compensation during the working test period, the period may be extended for the same number of working days the employee is out due to Workers’ Compensation. Some contracts specify that periods on Workers’ Compensation do not count towards completion of the working test period.
  3. Leave of Absence Without Pay: If an employee takes a leave of absence without pay for more than three (3) days during the working test period, the period shall be extended for the same number of days the employee is on unpaid leave.
  4. Transfer to Another Agency: When an employee transfers to another agency in the same class having only partially completed the working test period, the new appointing authority may allow the balance of the working test period to be completed, or extend the period based on other reasons described in the letter.
  5. Performance Improvement: If an employee’s performance during the working test period indicates steady improvement but is not entirely satisfactory, an extension may be requested to allow a more extensive evaluation. This is contingent on prior employee counseling and performance evaluations being documented.

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