DAS HVAC Reimbursement Program

Read time: 6 minutes

DAS is pleased to announce the passage of a reimbursement program for school HVAC system installation, repair, and upgrades, and makes multiple changes to eligible costs under the school construction reimbursement program.  The initiative was passed as part of the budget implementer in the 2022 legislative session. 

Improving indoor air quality in schools leads to a healthier learning environment for students and faculty.  Repairing and upgrading equipment can lead to cost savings for school budgets and if “green” solutions can be added, helping save the environment can be another added improvement. 

DAS will establish a reimbursement program for local and regional school HVAC system installation, repair, and upgrades that are similar to, though separate from, the school construction reimbursement program established in CGS 10-283 (update find more information here). State reimbursement levels are set annually based on municipal wealth and population information from 20 to 80 percent of project costs. 

Some administrative changes to the bill for school construction projects process include: 

  • Allowing a larger space standard for school buildings built between 1950-1959, 

  • Moving projects for school administration buildings from the list of allowable non-priority list reimbursements to needing legislative approval through the priority list process,  

  • Automatically moving projects through the process when a certificate of occupancy has been granted and removing a requirement for newspaper notice for construction contracts. 

DAS understands that these decisions are not made in a vacuum.  DAS would like to thank the State Education Committee including Senator Doug McCrory and Representative Robert Sanchez and our partner agencies and community stakeholders including Connecticut Education Association and AFT Connecticut. 

DAS applauds these changes and looks forward to assisting local school districts with the reimbursement program. 

Construction Services Government Innovation Legislation and Regulations