DAS Construction Services Bid Board
The Department of Administrative Services (DAS) Construction Services is the state’s primary department for State Building Construction Projects requested by Connecticut Executive and Judicial Branch State Agencies. We provide resources for Project Initiation, Design, Administration, Bidding, and Construction, as well as all required forms and publications.
All DAS Construction Services solicitations are conducted on the State’s secure, web-based eProcurement system “CTsource”. CTsource is implemented by the State of Connecticut with its partner, Perfect Commerce LLC (a PROACTIS Company), using their WebProcure application. Additional resources for registering on CTsource and using the new platform can be found at https://portal.ct.gov/DAS/CTsource/CTsource.
Scroll down for the DAS Construction Services "Bid Board".
- the Bid Board provides a list of all DAS Construction Services solicitations on CTsource (open, under evaluation, awarded, and canceled).
Select the VIEW PLAN HOLDER LIST for a list of firms who have viewed open DAS Construction Services solicitations.
- you may need to click the arrow button in the top right corner of the list to find a particular solicitation.
- the list may take a minute or two to load; this is normal.
How Do I Submit A Bid?
Detailed instructions for uploading solicitation documents can be found in the DAS Construction Services publication, "6001 Construction Online Bidding Instructions", available for download from the online DAS Construction Services Library (https://portal.ct.gov/DASCSLibrary) under the “6000 Series” folder. You may also download the CTsource Supplier Solicitation Response and Addenda Guide for additional instructions.
Why Can’t I Click “Select” and “Accept” in the Solicitation?
You need to select “Add New Response” and create a Quote (which you can rename) in order to “Select” and “Accept” the boxes next to the documents.
Does My Firm Need To Be Prequalified To Bid?
All construction projects greater than $1,000,000 require a bidder to be currently prequalified. To find the specific prequalification requirements for a project, see page 1 of the Invitation to Bid under “Bidding Limited To”. The Invitation to Bid can be downloaded from the appropriate solicitation on the DAS Construction Services Bid Board.
How Do I Find The Pre-Bid Site Meeting Attendance List?
The Pre-Bid Site Meeting Attendance List will be provided in an addendum to the solicitation. To find the addendums for a solicitation on the DAS Construction Services Bid Board, scroll down and click on the appropriate solicitation (you may need to go to the next page), and click on the link(s) for the addendums. If there are no addendums, then the Pre-Bid Meeting has not yet taken place.
How Do I Find The Bid Tab (and Bids) After The Bid Has Closed?
On the DAS Construction Services Bid Board, scroll down and click on the appropriate solicitation, and click on the “View Award Report” in the top right corner, located next to the “Print/Download solicitation summary”. The Bid Tab (and individual bids) will be available for viewing. Note: If “View Award Report” is not available, then it has not yet been published – check back later in the day.