
Codes and Standards Committee


Pursuant to Connecticut General Statue 29-251 Opens in a new window Opens in a new window, the following members are currently serving on the Codes and Standards Committee:
  1. Louis J. Free (Architect)
  2. John Butkus (Architect)
  3. Thomas DiBlasi (Professional Engineer, Structural)
  4. Ilona Prosol (Professional Engineer, Fire Protection)
  5. Michael Musco (Professional Engineer, Electrical)
  6. Johnny Carrier, P.E. (Builder, Residential)
  7. Terry Deveny (Builder/Non Residential)
  8. Anthony Bruno (Public Health Official)
  9. Henry Miga (Building Official)
  10. Anthony Cinicola (Building Official)
  11. Keith Flood (Local Fire Marshal)
  12. Michael Sinsigalli (Local Fire Marshal)
  13. Paul Costello (National Building Trades Labor)
  14. William Zoeller (Energy Efficiency Expert)
  15. David McKinley (Public Member, Accessibility)
  16. Frederick Wajcs, Jr. (Public Member)
  17. Donald Doeg, Esq. (Public Member)
  18. Donald Harwood (Public Member)
  19. Timothy Mikloiche (Electrical Trades)
  20. Eric Shutt (Plumbing Trades)
  21. Hank Cullinane (HVAC Trades)