V.I.T.A.L. Resources for Youth and their Caregivers

Bill of Rights Budgeting and Credit Reports Supports for Caregivers and Family Members of TAY Education Employment Health Housing Supports Information for Young Parents Intimate Partner Violence Legal Advocacy Mentoring National Resources for Transitional Age Youth Parenting Links For Young Parents Re-Entry Services Resources for Behavioral Health Needs Resources for Substance Misuse Resources for Youth Exiting Correctional Settings Support for Youth Involved in DMST/CSEC or Runaway Support for LGBTQIA+ Youth Support for Undocumented Youth and Families Vital Documents Voting Information Wilderness School Additional Tools and Resources


Children in Care Bill of Rights and Siblings in Care Bill of Rights

You have Rights. The Children in Care Bill of Rights and Expectations as well as the Siblings in care Bill of Rights were created to ensure that you are aware of your rights. To view "The Children in Care Bill of Rights and Expectations and Sibling in Care Bill of Rights" click on: DCF-780 (DCF-780 Spanish

We included a training overview of these documents. This online narrated training is an excellent way to obtain a better understanding of the rights outlined.  TRAINING LINK

You also have the:

Feel free to share these links with your foster parents, agency partners and anyone who you think needs to know about your rights.

We hope this information is helpful.


Re-entry Services

Some young adults, who left DCF’s care may be eligible to voluntarily return for services  through the Re-Entry Program.
a)   If you were in DCF’s care at the age of 18, you are eligible for re-entry services. However, you cannot be married, enlisted in the military or any branch of the armed services.
b)   You must be between the ages of 18 and 21 years old to return to the agency. 
c)   If you want to reenter DCF you must initiate a call to the DCF Careline by calling 800-842-2288.
d)   The Careline staff will review your eligibility status with you to in order to determine if you are or not eligible to reenter to care.
e)   If you are eligible to reenter care, you will be contacted by the designated TSS staff. 
f)    The TSS staff will further assist you with returning to care by connecting you to an area office.
g)   If you are eligible for reentry into DCF, you must be willing or agree to the following:
  • be willing to sign the DCF-2131(T), “Release of Information;”
  • be willing to cooperate with educational, vocational, or employment plans and if recommended, behavioral health and substance abuse assessments once you are back in care.

For more details on Re-entry Services, please refer to the Adolescent Services Policy 28-1 on the DCF Website















