V.I.T.A.L. Vital Documents

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Obtaining vital documents can be an overwhelming experience.  Where do you go, who do you contact? We have made it as easy as possible for your by providing links to the various documents that you may need.  Below you will find links for obtaining a learner's permit, drivers license, state issued ID card, birth certificate and social security card.  The most important piece of all of this is to make sure you understand what you need to bring or submit prior to applying for these documents.



Watch this video on how to get your learners permit:


Obtaining a Connecticut Drivers Permit and Practice Test Video (Published April 2020):

Try answering questions like the following: If you park uphill where there is no curb, set the break and…

  1. Turn your wheels towards the edge of the road.
  2. Turn your wheels away from the edge of the road.
  3. Keep your wheels straight.




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