V.I.T.A.L. Employment


EMPLOYMENT (Seeking-General)








JOB LISTINGS/Resume Databases




JOB TRAINING (and Work Mentorship Programs)

  • Youth Employment in CT:  Regional Workforce Development Boards administer federal youth employment funds and contract out to community-based agencies to employ the youth. Apply as soon as possible; the need for jobs often exceeds the number of openings!
    • See this flyer regarding summer job opportunities with Regional Workforce Boards.  This is a partnership between DCF and the Department of Labor.




Work-2-Learn (W2L) is a proven youth development model for DCF youth ages 15 to 21 in the areas of education and workforce development through structured mentorship support by caring adults. In order to receive these services, all youth must be referred by DCF social workers.




American Job Center (AJC) The American Job Center (AJC) system is a partnership of organizations that provide workforce assistance to job seekers and employers. This collaboration of state, regional, and local organizations work as system to help prepare and train the workforce and offer services that help business and industry find talent.  AJCs have services for everyone, regardless of employment status.

Comprehensive American Job Centers - These offices offer a full complement of employment services, including career centers, recruitments, workshops and employment services for veterans. They can also assist with unemployment insurance questions.

Bridgeport | Hamden | Hartford | Montville | New Haven | Waterbury

Affiliate American Job Centers - Affiliate American Job Centers are smaller offices that offer self-service career centers and a select number of employment services. This may include: a career center, hiring events, workshops, and employment services for veterans.

Ansonia | Bristol | Danbury | Danielson | Derby East Hartford | Enfield | Manchester | Meriden | Middletown  | New Britain | Stamford | Torrington  | Willimantic

Services Provided:

  • Business Services Consulting
  • Employer Recruitments
  • Free Career Related Workshops and Seminars
  • Job Search Assistance
  • Résumé Preparation
  • Tax Credit Programs
  • Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

The Workforce Alliance 
Funding via Workforce Alliance puts more than 1,000 young people to work across the region. Youth ages 14 to 21 may apply to participate in a program linked to the town where they reside. Please see below for town information as it is released. Eligibility is determined by family household income and other special needs such as a documented disability.

  • Employment & training assistance for job seekers and employers
  • Training Programs for young people aged 16 to 24
  • Project C.E.O.
    • Career-Minded & Committed To Success
    • Explore Your Interests & Make A Plan
    • Opportunity to Show Leadership & Move Up
    • Project CEO gives you the skills you need to get the jobs you want with employers in Greater New Haven & Middlesex Counties.
    • Open to ages 16-24 living in South Central CT not currently attending high school or college. Offered FREE of charge — contact staff for eligibility.
    • All participants practice interviewing, create a resume and make a personal plan for success. Your plan may include paid work experience, on-the-job training or other skills training.
    • ADDITIONAL RESOURCES for 16-24 Year Olds Not Enrolled in School
    • IN-PERSON SERVICES ARE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.  FOR SCHEDULING AND ASSISTANCE, CONTACT:  Project CEO Coordinator: Kaliuha Spears-Burgess at 203-624-1493 x 228 or kspears@workforcealliance.biz


Summer Youth Employment Participating youth may be hired for up to eight weeks, during July and August, earn minimum wage and work a minimum of 15 hours per week. Programs run based on funding available. Not all programs are offered every summer.

Job Corps is the largest nationwide residential career training program in the country and has been operating for more than 50 years. The program helps eligible young people ages 16 through 24 complete their high school education, trains them for meaningful careers, and assists them with obtaining employment. Job Corps has trained and educated over two million individuals since 1964.

At Job Corps, students have access to room and board while they learn skills in specific training areas for up to three years. In addition to helping students complete their education, obtain career technical skills and gain employment, Job Corps also provides transitional support services, such as help finding employment, housing, child care, and transportation. Job Corps graduates either enter the workforce or an apprenticeship, go on to higher education, or join the military.




























