V.I.T.A.L. Resources for Behavioral Health Needs

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GET HELP NOW!  Visit Prevent Suicide or Call 2-1-1

  • Are you worried for yourself or someone else?
  • Are you thinking about suicide?
  • Do you feel you have tried everything, and nothing seems to make the pain go away?
  • Do you feel like you have nowhere to turn?
  • Do you feel like your answer is suicide?
  • If you live in Connecticut, please take one moment and dial  2-1-1 (press 1)
  • If outside of CT dial 1-800-273 8255


Connections and Resources

  • 2-1-1 General Resources  24 hour crisis phone numbers:  finding services, education, prevention, counseling services, support groups, advocacy
  • Coronavirus Support and Related Services
  • The Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
    The Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services is a health care agency whose mission is to promote the overall health and wellness of persons with behavioral health needs through an integrated network of holistic, comprehensive, effective, and efficient services and supports that foster dignity, respect, and self-sufficiency in those we serve. 
  • Crisis Services
  • Crisis Services for Youth / For children under age 18, call 2-1-1.
  • Crisis Services for Adults / For adults in distress who are 18 years of age or older Available 24/7, 365 days a year. 1-800-HOPE-135 (1-800.467.3135)
  • Access Line: For 24/7 access to substance use treatment, including detox and transportation, call the Access Line at 1-800-563-4086.
  • Finding Services Directory- Town by Town and Regional Search and Directory
  • Mental Health Connecticut 1-800-842-1501 or information@mhconn.org
    Mental Health Connecticut (MHC) envisions a future where wellbeing is rooted in respect for the condition of being human. We get closer to realizing this future vision each day through our mission of partnering with individuals, families, and communities to create environments that support long-term health and wellness.  MHC ‘s core areas of focus: Advocacy, Education, and Service are a part of Connecticut’s community-based system of mental health and wellness that we helped build over 100 years ago. In 1908, Clifford Beers founded MHC and began his personal journey to bring the world of mental illness out from behind the shadows of institution-only care.
  • Mental Health CT Resources  1-800-842-1501 or information@mhconn.org
    Are you looking for information about mental health diagnoses, services or supports and don’t know where to turn? Contact MHC’s Information Line for the answers to your behavioral health questions. MHC’s toll-free number offers Connecticut residents information about support groups, mental health information, behavioral health services across the life span, crisis services, and other mental health resources that may be helpful as one travels along the path of recovery.
  • TurningPointCT.ORG
    TurningPointCT.org was developed by young people in Connecticut who are in recovery from mental health and substance use issues. While we’re not clinicians, we know what it’s like to feel alone, stressed, worried, sad, and angry. We’ve lived through the ups and downs of self-harm, drugs and alcohol, and the struggle to find help. Fortunately, we found what worked for us. Our goal is to provide information and support to help you choose your path so that you don’t have to struggle the way we did.
  • Healthy Lives Connecticut
    Connecticut is committed to the health and wellness of its citizens. Healthy Lives Connecticut provides information and tools for maintaining or regaining wellness in the areas of emotional wellness, physical wellness,holistic wellnessfinancial wellness, and recovery from addiction issues.

    The site also includes
    self-screening tools for mental health and addictions which are anonymous and confidential.  The things we do and the emotions we feel all relate to our overall wellness. Making healthy life choices can decrease stress, reduce the risk of illness and enhance overall quality of life.  The Healthy Lives Connecticut website is the product of a statewide collaborative effort which includes the following partners:

    • Beacon Health Options Connecticut
    • CHEFA
    • Child Health and Development Institute
    • CT Department of Children and Families
    • CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
    • University of New Haven
    • United Way of Connecticut 2-1-1

  • State of Connecticut- Embrace Hope Expect Change
    Connecticut’s Network of Care for Behavioral Health, made possible through State and Private Partnerships committed to promoting access to behavioral health care information for all residents of Connecticut.



Resources to Recovery


