V.I.T.A.L. Intimate Partner Violence

"Relationships, whether they are between two adults or two teenagers, exist on a spectrum, from healthy to unhealthy to abusive. The most important thing to remember is that love should never hurt, either physically or emotionally, and that you have the right to feel safe and good about yourself." 


Safe Connect is a project of the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV) that was developed as a way to make it easier for victims of domestic violence to access information, resources and assistance. It is our goal to remove barriers. Services are CONFIDENTIAL, SAFE, FREE & VOLUNTARY (which means you can change your mind at any time). 
You can reach us 24 hours a day, 365 days per year, via:



Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Connecticut’s leading voice for victims of domestic violence and those agencies that serve them. We are a membership organization of Connecticut’s 18 domestic violence service agencies that provide critical support to victims including safety planning, emergency shelter, court advocacy, counseling and support groups, among other services.  This website provides very tangible ways to become informed: Here is a helpful example of what you might find here. Check it this out!!!


Healthy Relationships & Warning Signs of Abuse
What does a healthy relationship look like?

Respect, equality and communication are key in healthy relationships. A healthy relationship means:

  • You respect each other
  • You are honest with each other
  • You can communicate your feelings without worrying that you will anger the other person
  • Both of your opinions matter and you respect each other’s boundaries
  • You both understand that you each need time to hang out alone with friends or family
  • You’re supportive of each other, even when you disagree


What does an unhealthy relationship look like?
The fact is that abuse and violence are never acceptable. Unfortunately, they still happen and here are some of the warning signs you can look out for:
  • Your boyfriend/girlfriend calls you names and puts you down either when you’re alone or in front of others
  • Your boyfriend/girlfriend gets extremely jealous when you’re talking with friends, even when it is completely innocent
  • You apologize and make excuses for your boyfriend/girlfriend's behavior
  • Your boyfriend/girlfriend keeps checking up on you and demands to know who you’ve been with, what you were doing, and why
  • Your boyfriend/girlfriend checks your phone or email without permission
  • Your boyfriend/girlfriend loses his/her temper or breaks things when angry
  • You constantly worry about making your boyfriend/girlfriend angry
  • Your boyfriend/girlfriend doesn’t want you to have any personal time to spend alone with friends and family
  • Your boyfriend/girlfriend pressures you to have sex


Below are some additional signs to look for if you think your friend is in an abusive relationship. Learn more about how you can help a friend.
  •  Your friend unexpectedly and abruptly cancels plans with you for no good reason
  • Your friend begins to experience a dramatic change in weight, appearance or grades
  • Your friend has unexplained injuries, especially persistent ones that don't seem to go away


















