V.I.T.A.L. Resources for Youth Exiting Correctional Settings

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Get Help!  Know Your Rights!

On this page you will find multiple links for youth who are exiting correctional facilities and reentry.  Links include finding resources, retrieving multiple forms of identification after incarceration, homelessness resources, and credible agencies that can help.

Get Educated CT Re-entry Services Video Re-entry Programs & Resources For CT Youth Urban Youth Reentry Program Flyer 



Article on reentry services:  It is important to familiarize yourself with programs and services when leaving a correctional setting.  Know that you are not alone!  Below is an article that addresses reentry during covid19: COVID presents fresh challenges for prisoners re-entering society, but also new opportunities



CT RE-ENTRY & SERVICES VIDEO: This is a webinar on services offered and available to youth through Connecticut 2-1-1






Resources on retrieving ID after incarceration and reentry services in the state of CT

Resources on Youth retrieving ID, Social security card, birth certificate, low cost or free housing, guardianship, child custody, pardons, voting rights for convicted felons, inmate trust fund and more.



The Center for Children's Advocacy

Hartford Office:  2074 Park Street, Hartford, CT 06106, 860-570-5327
Bridgeport Office:  211 State Street, Bridgeport, CT 06604, (203) 335-0719

The CCA combines three advocacy strategies – individual legal representation; legal rights training for youth, parents and professionals; and advocacy for system reforms. Center for Children’s Advocacy is open, providing legal representation for at-risk children and youth. Do you need help?

Education, special education, distance learning, access to healthcare, public benefits, utilities, housing, DCF, immigration, teen homelessness, rights of children with disabilities, conditions of confinement, reentry from detention or incarceration.


Community Re-Entry Assistance for Hartford Area and New Britain Youth

Reducing Juvenile Justice Involvement and Improving Educational Opportunities

The Center is working with local and community partners to identify and assist youth up to the age of 24 returning to the community from confinement. CCA attorneys help youth understand their record and the collateral consequences it may carry, provide help to erase or expunge records, help youth get back into school, get a birth certificate, Driver’s License or  ID, re-enter DCF care, access benefits, and secure a job or vocational license.  See the link below for other links to services and some ideas!

Direct Contacts:

Attorney Marisa Halm
Office: 860-570-5327 x228
Mobile: 860-566-0764


Attorney Adam Yagaloff
Office: 860-570-5327 x260
Mobile: 860-515-8540



The Urban League of Hartford  860-529-0147 x 161
140 Woodland Street , Hartford, CT06105

Urban Youth Reentry Program- For youth Aged 18 to 24, who no longer attend high school, and are formally involved in the Justice System:

  • Earn College Credit- from local Community Colleges
  • Career Planning- Assessments
  • Job Placement- Assistance
  • Professional Certification- License
  • Life Skills- Training in leadership Finance and Communication
  • Personal Assistance- Transportation, Clothing, Daycare, etc.

Contact: Advocate Counselor- Jaquuan Samuals- Jsamuels@ULGH.org


The Workforce Alliance
Main Office: 560 Ella T. Grasso Blvd, New Haven

Ex-offenders Re-entry program:  Recovery Works

  • Next Steps turns ex-offenders into job seekers with life skills, job training and workplace-readiness.
  • We work with the police, the courts, probation and parole services and community organizations to provide a program that increases the odds of success.

Senior Job Seeker Consultant: Glenn Young, 203-624-1493 x 212 or gyoung@workforcealliance.biz
Recovery Works Coordinator: Allyson Quinn, 203-624-1493 x 220 or cell: 203-402-8456 or aquinn@workforcealliance.biz
Program Coordinator Freeman Holloway, 203-624-1493 x 260 or fholloway@workforcealliance.biz



PO Box 170115, Boston, MA 02117 Email: questions@lionheart.org

The Lionheart Foundation, established in 1992, is a 501[c][3] nonprofit organization dedicated to providing social emotional learning programs SEL to incarcerated adults, youth at risk and teen parents in order to significantly alter their life course.

Connecticut based list of reentry programs- Hartford, New Haven, Bloomfield, New London, Plainville, Daniellson, Groton, Willimantic, Woodbridge, Hamden, Sheldon

National List of Reentry Programs: by State










