V.I.T.A.L. Voting Information

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For the most current Connecticut voting information, visit the Office of the Secretary of the State’s website at myvote.ct.gov

  • If you have questions related to elections or election administration, please call 860-509-6100 or email LEAD@ct.gov
  • Anyone encountering problems on Election Day should contact the Election Day Hotline at 1-866-733-2463 or send an email to elections@ct.gov

Are you a first-time voter and need to know if you are eligible to vote? 

You are eligible to vote in Connecticut if you can answer YES to all three of these questions:

  • Are you at least 17 and turning 18 on or before Election Day?
  • Are you a United States Citizen living in Connecticut?
  • If you have been convicted of a felony, have you completed confinement and parole, and, if applicable, paid all fines in connection with your conviction?

To access the State of Connecticut’s Online Voter Registration System, click HERE.



Contacting Your Representatives and Senators in Washington

How do I Register to vote?

Locate Your Town Clerk or Registrar

Where can I vote in Connecticut?

How to vote in every State YOU TUBE Channel- Connecticut: How to vote:











