V.I.T.A.L. Education

Adult Education Choosing A Career Path Construction Trades Financial Aid CT Colleges and Universities CT Trade and Vocational Schools  Educational Services and Support Through DCF Job-Corps (in Connecticut) Selecting A College

The pursuit of an education can be rewarding, enriching, and "world expanding."  An education program that is "the right fit" can lead to a lifetime of rewarding and fulfilling work that allows you to be the best version of yourself.

When one loves what they do for work and can thrive with healthy compensation many dreams are possible.  Choosing the right education can lead a person down this path.

As is true with many areas of life, one size does not fit all, and there are many "right" answers.  As you begin to explore your options, remember to stay connected to people that can offer motivation, support, experience, and guidance.  Consider guidance counselors and teachers from schools you have attended as well as the professionals from the places of learning you are applying to help you on your journey.  Social Workers, foster parents, and mentors may also be wonderful supports.

Remember- There are educational opportunities for people of all levels of interest and abilities- from extended college degree programs to technical and vocational training programs- for the "hands on learners" to the academically minded.  Pursue what is right for you, take some first steps, and your journey will be underway.

Once you become connected to a program or institution of learning your social network will broaden and you will have support options for career placement, references, and opportunities that you did not know existed before you began your search. 

The right program is one that fits you and leads you forward in life with hope and possibility.

This webpage is the designed for you to begin to explore a broad range of possibilities with resources that will help you take your next steps forward.

College Tips with Brigitte



Adult Education and Finishing High School

Adult Education programs are free to Connecticut residents aged 17 and older who are no longer enrolled in a public school. Instructional programs are provided predominantly through local school districts. Programs are also available through various community and faith-based organizations.










Federal Financial Aid


CONNTAC: Additional Scholarship and financial support
Mission Statement: The mission of CONNTAC is to promote and expand equal educational access and opportunity for Connecticut residents. CONNTAC advocates issues and provides support services for residents from low-income, first generation educational backgrounds to give them reasonable, realistic opportunities to succeed and be empowered socially and economically.

Contact Information:

Post-Secondary Education Consultants:
Wendy Jackson- 860-723-7217 Wendy.Jackson@CT.GOV
Maria Pastorelli- 860-560-5013 Maria.Pastorelli@CT.GOV
USD2 Superintendent Office:  Matt Folan- 860-550-6331 DCFEDUCATIONMAILBOX@CT.GOV





DCF Post-Secondary Education Expenses Policy:  Post-Secondary Education Expenses
The Department may provide financial assistance for post-secondary school education expenses to students up to their 23rd birthday, or the end of the academic year.

Allowable Expenditures:

  • Tuition and Fees
  • Room and Board
  • Books and Supplies
  • Stipend

Additional Services for Youth Under 21:

  • Tutoring
  • Health Care
  • Transportation during educational breaks (for out of state youth to return home)
  • Living stipend
  • Case management services
  • Housing start up expenses and furniture


ETV= Education for Foster Youth:
The Education Training Voucher

What is it? The Education Training Voucher (ETV) program awards grants to current and former foster youth to help pay for college or specialized education program.  ETV grants are funded by the federal government and administered by the states.  In most states eligible students may receive grants of up to $5000.00 per academic year.

Who is Eligible? Foster youth, Adoption, Subsidized Adoption and/or *Kinship guardianship youths AFTER the age of 16 are eligible.

How to apply: Look out for a letter/application in the Spring (usually April/May) from DCF

For Youth in Care- applications are made availabel through the social worker several times a year.

ETV funding- Contact Wendy Jackson- 860-723-7217  Wendy.Jackson@CT.GOV


Financial Assistance Requirements:

Form DCF 632- Application for Financial Assistance for Post-Secondary Education
  • Per Policy is required to be completed annually
  • A financial award letter and itemized bill is required to complete the form
  • New document in Policy- Combines the financial budget for adoption and Foster care youth.
  • A max budget is based on the Connecticut State University Colleges in state tuition
  • Youth are responsible for any loans outside of budget
  • Any request for additional funding outside of policy guidelines require consultation with PSE staff and may require Commisisoner approval
  • Per Policy - DCF 632 Must be sent to CWA's Linda Gant annually


Getting to Know Colleges:








JOB-CORP  Programs local to Connecticut:  
Job Corps is a no-cost education and career technical training program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor that helps young people ages 16 to 24 improve the quality of their lives through career technical and academic training. 





Connecticut Technical Information and Career System
The Connecticut Technical Education and Career System (CTECS) is the largest high school system in Connecticut, serving all geographic regions and all demographic and diverse populations. We currently operate 17 diploma-granting technical high schools, one technical education center and two aviation maintenance programs located throughout the state.

The system serves approximately 11,200 full-time high school students. We offer a comprehensive high school and Career Technical Education in 31 occupational careers. The occupational careers are within 12 career clusters. In addition, the CTECS serves adult education students in various health service fields, aviation and apprenticeships programs. 

Porter Chester Institute

Branford, Enfield, Rocky Hill, Stratford, Waterbury:

  • Automotive Technology
  • Computer Aided Drafting & Design (CADD)
  • Computer & Network Technology
  • Cosmetology
  • Electrician: Industrial, Commercial, Residential
  • Electronics Systems Technician
  • HVACR (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration)
  • Dental Assisting
  • Medical Assisting
  • Plumbing
  • Practical Nursing
Lincoln Technical Institute
New Britain, Shelton, East Windsor, Hartford:
Connecticut Based Programs:
  • Automotive Technology
  • Collision Repair and Refinishing
  • Culinary Arts
  • Diesel Technology
  • Electrical / Electronics
  • HVAC
  • International Baking and Pastry
  • Machining and Manufacturing
  • Medical Assistant
  • Practical Nursing
  • Welding Technology

American Institute
West Hartford:

  • Administrative Office Professional
  • Dental Assisting
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography
  • ESL – English as a Second Language
  • Massage Therapy
  • Medical Assisting
  • Medical Coding and Billing
  • Nurse’s Aide – FastTrack

Branford Hall Career Institute
Connecticut Based Programs, Branford, Southington:

  • Health Claims Specialist
  • Medical Assistant
Branford Academy
  • Cosmetology
  • Barbering
  • Esthetics
  • Make-up
  • Nail Technician
  • Eyelash Extensions





Construction Education Center
The mission of the Construction Education Center is to provide standardized training in order to prepare individuals for gainful employment and long-term opportunities in the construction industry.

Our goal is to enhance the quality, safety and competitiveness of constructors within and outside of the State of Connecticut:
  • Carpentry
  • Electrical
  • HVAC (Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning)
  • Plumbing
  • Sheet Metal


Call 203-891-6897
E-mail:  info@cwi2.com

Construction Workforce Initiative 2, Inc. (CWI2) is a federally recognized workforce development 501(c)3 organization that funnels quality trained crafts persons for the building trades and statewide employers. CWI2's model has developed into a cross county and cross-industry reaching service that not only provides construction training & placement but builds incredible partnerships with employers, contractors, unions and universities.

The Construction Workforce Initiative accepts applications from the public for construction training.

The training is free to the public and offers certifications, general knowledge of the trades, and the opportunity to work with a master in the trade of their choice.  The training process is an extremely rigorous process that will last for several months. The requirements for the program are:
  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Can Pass a Drug Test
  • Drivers License with Reliable Transportation
  • High School Diploma or GED (with transcripts)

Women, Minorities, New Haven County residents, and Fairfield County residents are encouraged to apply.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to email the Construction Workforce Initiative 2 (info@cwi2.com), give us a call at 203-891-6897.
CWI2 will be accepting applications from New Haven County and Fairfield County residents. 


Build Connecticut
BuildConnecticut.com was created and developed by the Connecticut Construction Industries Association [CCIA] and the Associated General Contractors of Connecticut [AGC/CT] to educate high school and college students, veterans and job seekers on the many options and benefits of choosing a career in construction.

A comprehensive trade association representing the many sectors of the commercial construction industry.  The Association works to provide services of the highest quality and value to its members while also working to recruit the next generation of construction professionals and preserving the values of skill, responsibility and integrity. 

CCIA and AGC/CT offer educational training and support to Connecticut's construction industry with a mission of "shaping the future of the construction industry.":


Heavy Equipment Training Schools in Connecticut:
Call 1-800-841-0478
Any operator who wants to work in a construction or in any related type of industries requires an initial training and certification from a heavy equipment school so that they can be supplied with competency, if you’re looking for a school, here’s where you can enroll:

International Union of Operating Engineers Local 478
240 Cheshire Rd.
Meriden, Connecticut 06451

Technology Transfer Center
270 Middle Turnpike, Unit 5202,
Storrs, Connecticut 06269-5202


CT Transportation Institute
179 Middle Turnpike, Unit 5202 Storrs,
Connecticut 06269-5202


Local 478 Training-Licensing-Apprenticeships

















