CT WiZ Patient Management

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Print an official immunization record

In CT WiZ, you can print an immunization record in two places.

  • On the patient's Immunization Home screen, under Links at the top of the page.
  • In the Reports module under the Patient section. 

Search for, view, modify a patient’s record      

  • Before searching for a patient’s record, be sure you have the correct Provider and Clinic showing at the top of the page.       
  • A user cannot change a patient’s name and/or date of birth in CT WiZ.  This must be done by the Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) Immunization Program.

Correct data entry errors

This depends on the type of data error. 

  • For Electronic Health Record (EHR) clinics reporting through HL7:
    • Please correct the immunization record in your EHR system and resubmit the HL7 record to CT WiZ.
    • If the immunization was not administered by your clinic, you cannot change the data error.  Instead, please fax the immunization record to DPH FAX (860) 707-1925.
  • For User Interface (UI) clinics updating immunization records directly in CT WiZ:
    • Please correct the immunization record in CT WiZ.
    • If you are not able to edit a field or delete an immunization, please enter the immunization as a duplicate shot and report the issue, by including only the CT WiZ patient ID, through the Helpdesk under Category: CT WiZ Patient Management, Topic: Report records for DPH review/correction. 

Duplicate Patients

You can only flag a possible duplicate patient record in CT WiZ.  You cannot merge the records nor delete a record. Once you flag a record as a possible duplicate, CT WiZ Admin staff will review the record and de-activate it, if appropriate.


Patient status and clinic ownership (Add and Remove patients) 

You usually do not need to add a patient to CT WiZ because:

  • CIRTS data was transferred into CT WiZ.
  • Newborn children are being entered into CT WiZ.
  • Always perform a thorough search for a patient before adding the patient to CT WiZ. This prevents duplicates.

If your patient moves to another Connecticut clinic or leaves Connecticut, the patient should no longer be affiliated with your clinic in CT WiZ.  There are two methods to remove a patient from your clinic:

  • Mark the patient inactive at your clinic on the Programs screen.
  • Use the Inactive Patient Report in the Patient Management section of Reports.

View which vaccines are due and when

  • You can run a reminder/recall report for an individual patient using the Recommender on the Immunizations Home screen.
  • You can also run a reminder/recall report for your entire clinic using the Reports module.    

Add historical and current immunizations

A few things to keep in mind: 

Update the VIS

  • The Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) for each vaccine is updated by CDC periodically. 
  • When a new VIS is released by the CDC, the default VIS in CT WiZ is changed automatically.
  • English and Spanish VIS can be printed from CT WiZ by accessing the Forms section of the Reports module. 
  • Current VIS documents can be found in many other languages at https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/index.html.

Access vaccine coverage information

  • Vaccine coverage information is available for the state on the DPH dashboard.
  • To access vaccine coverage in CT WiZ, there are numerous reports available in the Data Quality-User section and the Coverage Statistics section. 

Need more information?

Submit a request to our Helpdesk.  Please enter as much detail as possible to describe the issue or question. Attach screen shots, if possible, to the email.  Depending on the priority of the issue or question, inquiries can be resolved between 1 and 5 business days. 


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