The Connecticut Immunization Action Plan

Initiated in 1993, the Connecticut Immunization Action Plan (IAP) is located throughout the state with the purpose to raise immunization rates of children in Connecticut.  Because all school-aged children are required by law to be up-to-date with their immunizations before they enter school, this program focuses on the vulnerable pre-school children who can be a source of spread.

In the early 1990’s there was a measles outbreak in the U.S. that prompted the federal government to look more closely at the number of children being immunized for vaccine preventable disease such as measles.  They then began funding all states to build an infrastructure within each state to raise immunization rates and then maintain those high levels so as to reduce the burden of such vaccine preventable diseases.

The IAP Program currently has 9 sites contracted by the state Department of Public Health that are located in areas at highest risk of low immunization rates.  These local areas are made up of mostly local health departments that have a local presence in the community. Each IAP site has an IAP Coordinator and most have at least one Outreach Worker.

Blue and White CT WIZ logo the I in Wiz is a syringe

IAP objectives are to increase immunization coverage among children by:

  • Conducting outreach and tracking using our statewide immunization information system (IIS) known as “CT WiZ”.  
  • Educating the public about the importance of vaccination.
  • Conducting assessments in pediatric practices to improve vaccine delivery.                      

The successes of each of the IAP sites are measured by their ability to:

  • Raise the immunization rate in their town or community they serve.
  • Successfully link children at risk to a medical home so their immunizations may be tracked.

Each IAP site partners with key players in their local area that have a stake in improving children’s health.  IAP Coordinators rely on their public and private immunization providers, hospitals, WIC office, Head Start programs, schools and pre-schools, and other maternal and child health organizations that serve young children.  By collaborating with these groups the local IAP program can more effectively assess the needs of the community, make and receive referrals of children at high risk and afford them the knowledge of the current information in the ever-changing world of immunizations.

Click here for a current list of Immunization Action Plan Coordinators, Outreach Contacts and Area IAP Map.

Click here for listings of Local Events in Connecticut for National Infant Immunization Week "NIIW" in April and National Immunization Awareness Month "NIAM" in August.

The Immunization Action Plan is a program of the Connecticut Department of Public Health

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