General Statutes

FAQS - Public Act 13-3 as amended by Public Act 13-220: An Act Concerning Gun Violence and Children's Safety

Most common questions and answers pertaining to the Act.

Public Act 13-3

Bail Bondsman

Bail Enforcement


Pistol Permits

Private Detective

Private Security

Please visit the Connecticut General Assembly Website to search the Connecticut State Statutes for the sections listed below.

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Firearms Laws Guide

Bail Bondsman

Sec. 29-144 Definition of a “Bondsmen”
Sec. 29-145 Bondsmen to be licensed
Sec. 29-146 Investigation of Applicant for License. Fee.
Sec. 29-147 Renewal, Revocation or Suspension of License
Sec. 29-148 Statement of Assets and Liabilities
Sec. 29-149 Notice to Courts and Municipal Departments of the Names of Bondsmen
Sec. 29-150 Oath of Bondsmen
Sec. 29-151 Maximum Commission or Fee. Reports to the Commissioner of Public Safety
Sec. 29-152 Penalty

Bail Enforcement

Chapter 533a Bail Enforcement Agent
Sec. 29-152e License Required
Sec. 29-152f Application for License
Sec. 29-152g Issuance of License
Sec. 29-152h Renewal of License
Sec. 29-152i Suspension or Revocation of License
Sec. 29-152j Notice to Courts and Police Departments of Names of Professional Bondsmen and Bail Enforcement Agents
Sec. 29-152k Notice to Law Enforcement Agency Prior to Apprehension of a Principal
Sec. 29-152l Wearing, Carrying or Display of Uniform, Badge or other insignia of Governmental Official or Employee Prohibited.
Sec. 29-152m Permit to Carry Firearm Required
Sec. 29-152n Penalty
Sec. 29-152o Regulations


Sec. 22a-74a Exemption of firing and shooting ranges from criminal and civil liability for noise and noise pollution.
Sec. 29-27 "Pistol" and "revolver" defined.
Sec. 29-28 Permit for sale at retail of pistol or revolver. Permit to carry pistol or revolver. Confidentiality of name and address of permit holder.
Sec. 29-28a Application for permit. Notice of decision to applicant.
Sec. 29-29 Information concerning criminal records of applicants for permits.
Sec. 29-30 Fees for pistol and revolver permits. Expiration and renewal of permits.
Sec. 29-31 Display of permit to sell. Record of sales.
Sec. 29-32 Revocation of permit. Notification. Penalty for failure to surrender permit.
Sec. 29-32a Appeal from refusal or revocation of permit.
Sec. 29-32b Board of Firearms Permit Examiners. Appeals to board hearings.
Sec. 29-33 Sale, delivery or transfer of pistols and revolvers. Documentation requirements. Waiting period. Exempted transactions. Penalty.
Sec. 29-34 False statement or information in connection with sale or transfer of pistol or revolver prohibited. Sale or transfer to person under twenty-one years of age prohibited. Temporary transfers. Penalties.
Sec. 29-35 Carrying of pistol or revolver without permit prohibited. Exceptions.
Sec. 29-36 Alteration of firearm identification mark, number or name.
Sec. 29-36f Eligibility certificate for pistol or revolver.
Sec. 29-36g Application for eligibility certificate. Criminal history records check. Deadline for approval or denial of an application. Form of certificate. Change of address. Confidentiality of name and address of certificate holder. Scope of certificate.
Sec. 29-36h Fee for eligibility certificate. Expiration and renewal of eligibility certificate.
Sec. 29-36i Revocation of eligibility certificate.
Sec. 29-36j Purchase or receipt of pistol or revolver without permit or eligibility certificate prohibited. Exceptions Repealed
Sec. 29-36k Transfer or surrender of pistols or revolver by person ineligible to possess same.
Sec. 29-36l State data base to supply information concerning validity of permits and eligibility certificate.
Sec. 29-36m Regulations
Sec. 29-37 Penalties.
Sec. 29-37a Application to purchase a firearm other than a pistol or revolver. Waiting period. Delivery. Exceptions.
Sec. 29-37b Firearms dealer to provide gun locking device and warning at time of sale. Penalty.
Sec. 29-37c Transferred to Sec. 29-37i.
Sec. 29-37d Firearms dealer to install burglar alarm system on premises of its establishment. Exceptions.
Sec. 29-37i Formerly Sec. 29-37c). Responsibilities Re: storage of loaded firearms with respect to minors.
Sec. 29-37j Purchase of firearm with intent to transfer it to person prohibited from purchasing or possessing.
Sec. 29-38 Weapons in vehicles.
Sec. 29-38a Out-of-state purchase or acquisition of rifles or shotguns. Repealed
Sec. 29-38b Determination of commitment status of person who applies for or seeks renewal of firearm permit or certificate. Report on status of application.
Sec. 53-202 Machine guns.
Sec. 53-202a Assault weapons: Definition. Sec. 53-202b. Sale or transfer of assault weapon prohibited. Class C felony.
Sec. 53-202c Possession of assault weapon prohibited. Class D felony.
Sec. 53-202d Certificate of possession of assault weapon. Certificate of transfer of assault weapon to gun dealer. Circumstances where possession of assault weapon authorized.
Sec. 53-202e >Relinquishment of assault weapon to law enforcement agency.
Sec. 53-203 Unlawful discharge of firearms
Sec. 53-204 Hunting or discharging firearm from public highway.
Sec. 53-205 Shotguns, rifles and muzzleloaders in vehicles and snowmobiles.
Sec. 53-206 Carrying and sale of dangerous weapons.
Sec. 53-206a Application for permit. Notice of decision to applicant. Repealed
Sec. 53-206b Unlawful training in use of firearms, explosive or incendiary devices or techniques capable of causing injury. Class C felony.
Sec. 53-206c Sale, carrying and brandishing of facsimile firearms prohibited. Class B misdemeanor.
Sec. 53-206d Carrying of firearm while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drug prohibited. Class B misdemeanor.
Sec. 53a-8 Criminal liability for acts of another.
Sec. 53a-16a Affirmative defense in certain situations involving firearms; exceptions.
Sec. 53a-211 Possession of a sawed-off shotgun or silencer: Class D felony.
Sec. 53a-212 Stealing a firearm. Class D felony.
Sec. 53a-216 Criminal use of firearm or electronic defense weapon: Class D felony.
Sec. 53a-217 Criminal possession of a firearm or electronic defense weapon: Class D felony.
Sec. 53a-217a Criminally negligent storage of a firearm: Class D felony
Sec. 53a-217b Possession of a weapon on school grounds: Class D felony.
Sec. 53a-217c Criminal possession of a pistol or revolver: Class D felony.
Sec. 54-36e Firearms to be turned over to state police. Sale at public auction.
Sec. 54-36n Identification and tracing of seized and recovered firearms.

Pistol Permits

Sec. 29-27 "Pistol or "revolver"defined.
Sec. 29-28 Permit for sale at retail of pistol or revolver.  Permit to carry pistol or revolver.  Confidentiality of name and address of permit holder.
Sec. 29-28a Application for permit.  Notice of decision to applicant.
Sec. 29-29 Information concerning criminal records of applicants for permits.
Sec. 29-31 Display of permit to sell. Record of sales.
Sec. 29-32 Revocation of permit.  Notification. Penalty for failure to surrender permit.
Sec. 29-32a Appeal from refusal or revocation of permit.
Sec. 29-32b Board of Firearms Permit Examiners.  Appeals to board hearings.
Sec. 29-33 Sale, delivery or transfer of pistols and revolvers.  Documentation requirements.  Waiting period.  Exempted transactions. Penalty.
Sec. 29-34 False statement or information in connection with sale or transfer of pistol or revolver prohibited.  Sale or transfer to person under twenty-one years of age prohibited.  Temporary transfers.  Penalties.
Sec. 29-35 Carrying or pistol or revolver without permit prohibited.  Exceptions.
Sec. 29-36 Alteration of firearm identification mark, number or name.
Sec. 29-36f Eligibility certificate for pistol or revolver.
Sec. 29-36g Application for eligibility certificate.  Criminal history records check.  Deadline for approval or denial of an application.  Form of certificate.  Change of address.  Confidentiality of name and address of certificate holder.  Scope of certificate.
Sec. 29-36h Fee for eligibility certificate.  Expiration and renewal of eligibility certificate.
Sec. 29-36i Revocation of eligibility certificate.
Sec. 29-36j Purchase or receipt of pistol or revolver without permit or eligibility certificate prohibited.  Exceptions Repealed
Sec. 29-36k Transfer or surrender of pistols or revolver by person ineligible to possess same.
Sec. 29-36l State data base to supply information concerning validity of permits and eligibility certificate.

Private Detective

29-152u Definitions
29-153 Private Detective Companies, license required
29-154 Qualifications for Private Detective License
29-154c Persons vested with police powers ineligible for licensure
29-155 Application forms for Private Detective Licensee and Corporate Officers.  Fingerprints, Photographs. State the company trade name
29-155a Private Detective applicant to post a bond and general liability insurance prior to licensing
29-155b Issuance of Private Detective License for a 2-year term.
29-155c Licensee Fees for Private Detective or Private Detective Agency
29-155d Display of Private Detective or Private Detective Agency License
29-156 Private Detective Licensee and Corporate Officer, state issued identification card
29-156a Qualifications for the registered private investigator employee(s). Registration Fees, fingerprints and photographs.
29-156b Private Investigators, company issued identification card
29-156d Private Detective or Investigator prohibited from using a badge or shield
29-156e Any Private Detective Licensee may operate as many branch or sub-offices
29-156g Private Detective or Investigator use of information
29-156h Private Detective or Investigator may provide non-uniformed guard services
29-158 Private Detective or Investigator may be suspended or revoked. Appeal.
29-161 Penalty for Private Detective or Investigator

Private Security

29-161y Registration for Security Officers carrying firearms. Application. Penalty
29-161z Security Officers to obtain a permit to carry firearms. Firearms safety course. Regulations. Application. Penalty and Appeal
29-161aa Written Notice to Police
29-161g Private Security Companies, license required
29-161h Qualifications for Private Security License
29-161i Corporate License may be denied if eligible person owns more than 10 % of Stock.
29-161j Persons vested with police powers ineligible for licensure
29-161k Application forms for Security Licensee and Corporate Officers. Fingerprints, Photographs. State the company trade name
29-161l Security applicant to post a bond and general liability insurance prior to licensing
29-161m Issuance of Security Service License for a 2-year term.
29-161n Licensing Fees for Security Service
29-161o Display of Security Service License
29-161p Security Service Licensee and Corporate Officer, state issued identification card
29-161q Qualifications to obtain the Security Officer 8-hr Certification Identification Card. Safety course, forms, fees, fingerprints and photographs. Regulations. Application to register the Security Officer. Registration forms and fees.
29-161r Private Security, company issued Security Officer non-uniformed identification card
29-161s Private Security, issuance of Security Officer uniformed badge
29-161t Any Security Licensee may operate as many branch or sub-offices
29-161u Private Security or Security Officer may provide investigations upon property such security is employed to service
29-161v Private Security Licensee or Security Officer may be suspended or revoked. Appeal.
29-161w Public Safety to publish a list of Private Security Service Companies
29-161x Penalty for Private Security Service Licensee or Security Officer

Last Date Modified: 11/07/2018