Connecticut Firearms Dealers

UPDATE: We now have an online automated system for Federal Firearms Dealers to conduct firearms transactions within the State of Connecticut. If you are interested in being set up with this automated system, please send an email to with your name, a good contact phone number, and the name of your business. We will work with you to get you set up for online transfers. 

If you are looking to obtain a Federal Firearms License please contact the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) @ 860-293-2540

Assault Weapons

Most common questions and answers pertaining to the Act.

If you are taking a registered assault weapon please mail in the DPS-3-C, Assault Weapon Transfer form, DPS-415-C and a copy of the original assault weapon certificate.


  • DPS-414-C- Assault Weapon Certificate Application

Please submit proof that you purchased the weapon on or prior to April 4, 2013. A valid sale receipt and or a DPS-3-C form or sworn affidavit are acceptable forms of proof. Have affidavit notarized prior to submission.

  • DPS-416-C1 - FFL Large Capacity Magazine Transfer to Dealer Form

Effective January 1, 2014; Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers must submit this form for any LCM(s) taken into inventory from a private individual.

General Information:

The SLFU is your “Point of Contact” with the FBI and all attempts to obtain a gun sale authorization number must be made through our office. Once a request is received a National Instant Criminal Background Check (NICS) is conducted and a transaction number is automatically assigned. The SLFU utilizes a Dealer Identification Number that correspond with the last five digits of the FFL number plus a Personal Identification Number (P.I.N.) picked by the dealer. These distinct numbers aid SLFU employees with the authorization process and eventually will allow the dealer to access a totally automated system.

Toll-free authorization line: 1-888-335-8438, or local: (860) 685-8400

Authorization line hours:

  • Monday through Friday 8 A.M. - 7 P.M.
  • Saturday 9 AM. – 5 PM.
  • Sunday  10 A.M. - 3 P.M.
  • Required paperwork may be obtained through the SLFU. This would include Departmental forms: DPS-3-C, DPS-67-C.
Retail Sale Certificate

In October 1999, the Connecticut Legislature passed a law that requires any retail store which sells firearms as a secondary or other than principal business focus to provide minimum training to it’s employees. The training and certification requirements are outlined in CGS 29-28.

Sec. 29-37f. Qualifications of retail store employees who sell firearms. No person, firm or corporation that engages in the retail sale of goods, where the principal part of such trade or business is the retail sale of goods other than firearms, shall employ a person to sell firearms in a retail store unless such person (1) is at least eighteen years of age, (2) has submitted to state and national criminal history records checks and such checks indicate that such person has not been convicted of a felony or a violation specified in subdivision (2) of subsection (b) of section 29-36f of the general statutes, and (3) has successfully completed a course or testing approved by the Commissioner of Public Safety in firearms safety and statutory procedures relating to the sale of firearms. The sale of firearms by such person, firm or corporation shall be accomplished only by an employee qualified pursuant to this section. Any employer who employs a person to sell firearms in violation of the provisions of this section shall be liable for a civil penalty of not more than ten thousand dollars per day for each violation. The Attorney General shall institute a civil action to recover such penalty.

SLFU has developed a test to be administered to the employees of retail stores. The employer is responsible for developing a training curriculum or otherwise securing training for its employees from private instructors. Once the employees are adequately trained the employer may contact SLFU to arrange testing. A criminal history record check will be run on each employee taking the test. A certificate will be issued to those employees that pass the test. There is no fee for the test administration or criminal history record check.

Other Initiatives: 

We are actively pursuing development of a new internet system, which will include “on-line” access, and will permit interested dealers to download department forms and enter transactions directly into our database. These abilities will be available through the use of personal computers and a software security package that will be available to interested dealers. We further suspect these enhancements may reduce dealer costs associated with running their business. 

SLFU will also continue to offer informational seminars on a periodic basis to gun dealers and other interested persons concerning changes in firearm laws and firearm sales and processing procedures. These seminars will be offered in conjunction with ATF.


Last Date Modified: 01/25/2024