Firearms and Permit Related Forms and Information

Permit to Carry Pistol or Revolver Permit

Pistol Permit Sample


Eligibility Certificate to Purchase a Pistol or Revolver

Pistol Revolver Eligibility Certificate Sample


Eligibility Certificate to Purchase Long Guns

Eligibility Certificate to Purchase Long Gun Sample


  • DPS-799-C - Eligibility Certificate/Temporary State Permit to Carry Pistols or Revolvers/Non-Resident Permit to Carry Pistols or Revolvers
    • This form is used for 60-Day Temporary Permit issued by your local municipality;
    • Non-Resident Application for Pistol Permit; Call for a complete packet which includes fingerprint card at 860-685-8290.
    • Eligibility Certificate for Purchase of Pistols and Revolvers (not a carry permit);
    • Eligibility Certificate for Purchase of Long Guns - Out of state resident are eligible to apply.
    • (Please call or email for packet at 860-685-8290)
  • Effective April 1, 2014 you will be required to have either a pistol permit, eligibility certificate for pistol or revolver or a eligibility certificate for long gun in order to purchase firearms and legal magazines. Hunting licenses and 14-day waiting periods for long gun purchases will be obsolete.
  • Long Gun Eligibility Certificate Application Packet which includes the DPS-164-C and DPS-799-C, can be obtained by calling the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit at 860-685-8290
  • DPS-769-C - Instructions to Applicant (new and renewal of pistol permits and certificates
    • Instructions included for new pistol permits, renewal of pistol permits in person, renewal of pistol permits by mail; security officer pistol permit; bail enforcement agent pistol permit; new and renewal of eligibility certificates for pistol or revolver, new and renewal for long gun eligibility certificate and new and renewal of ammunition certificate.


Magazines and Ammunition

Please complete both forms and mail to SLFU office 1111 Country Club Rd, Middletown, CT 06457 with a $35 check or money order payable to the Treasurer State of CT

  • DESPP-417-C - Magazines and Ammunition
    • Effective April 1, 2014 you will be required to have either a pistol permit, eligibility certificate for pistol or revolver or an eligibility certificate for long gun in order to purchase firearms and ammunition.
  • DPS-129-C -Ammunition Eligibility Certificate Application and Instructions


Declaration of Large Capacity Magazine

  • DESPP-788-CZ - Declaration of Large Capacity Magazine(s)
    • You must declare your magazine(s) prior to January 1, 2014. Any application received after that date will be returned unless post marked on December 31,2013.
    • Please fill out Declaration and if available, attach copy of original sales receipt describing your purchase prior to effective date of CGS Sec. 53-202w. If you do not have your original paperwork, you may compose an affidavit/statement, stating that you owned the magazine(s) prior to the effective date of CGS Sec. 53-202w, and have the affidavit notarized prior to mailing or dropping it off at the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit office. Please make sure that you sign your paperwork in front of the notary.
  • DPS-416-C1 - FFL Large Capacity Magazine Transfer to Dealer
    • Effective January 1, 2014; Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers must submit this form for any LCM(s) taken into inventory from a private individual.
  • DESPP-417-C - Application for Ammunition Certificate
    • (Effective October 1, 2013)
  • Please follow instructions before appearing in person to have a photograph taken and have your fee payable to the "Treasurer State of Connecticut", or exact cash payment. Out of state resident are eligible to apply.
    Ammuntion Certificate Sample


Application to Purchase a Firearm

  • DPS-67-C - Application to Purchase a Firearm
    • Must be filled out and retained for 20 years or in the case of FFL dealers until you have gone out of business.


Sale or Transfer of All Firearms

  • DPS-3-C - Sale or Transfer of All Firearms
    • Must be filled out completely and legibly. You must obtain a firearms sales authorization number by calling (860) 685-8400. Instructions for mailing copies appears at the bottom of the form.
    • Authorization hours :
      • Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
      • Saturday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
      • Sunday: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. 

Assault Weapons


Newly defined Assault Weapons

  • DPS-414 - Assault Weapon Certificate Application
  • Any newly defined assault weapon that was lawfully purchased on or before April 4, 2013, but was not transferred by that date, may be transferred pursuant to such lawful purchase and a sales authorization number may be obtained for such transfer. Sellers are required to verify that a lawful purchase occurred on or before April 4, 2013 prior to transferring such firearm.
  • Proof of lawful possession will also be required by DESPP from the owner of the firearm with the Application for Certificate of Possession of Assault Weapon.
  • You must apply for a certificate of possession prior to January 1, 2014. Any application received after that date will be returned unless post marked on or before December 31,2013. Please fill out both halves of the form completely and legibly. You may apply your own thumbprint to the form and sign the form in the presence of a notary. An additional notarized affidavit/statement will be needed if you do not have the original sale receipt or DPS-3-C showing the date of possession/purchase prior to the law taking effect. Please have forms notarized prior to mailing or dropping them off at the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit office.


Law Enforcement Officers FAQs

  • What can someone do if they are in possession of a banned assault weapon that they have not registered and/or a high capacity magazine that they have not declared?
  1. If the weapon is no longer located in the state, you are in compliance;
  2. If the weapon has been sold to an authorized firearms dealer, you are in compliance;
  3. If the weapon is still in your possession, you may:
    1. Arrange to relinquish your assault weapon(s) and/or large capacity magazine(s) to a state police troop or police department having jurisdiction where you reside; or
    2. Render the assault weapon(s) and/or large capacity magazine(s) permanently inoperable.
  • Will law enforcement be going door to door to confiscate unregistered assault weapons or undeclared magazines?
    • No, but just like any other item that is unlawful (i.e. contraband) to possess, if an individual is found to be in possession of an unregistered assault weapon or undeclared magazine, they are subject to arrest and prosecution.
  • May I use my assault weapon before it’s been acknowledged?
    • Yes.

Last Date Modified: 01/08/2019