Bail Enforcement Agents

Connecticut General Statute 29-152f, requires that any person that wants to engage in the business as a bail enforcement agent (bounty hunter) must first obtain a professional license from the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection. CGS 29-152e states that “No person shall, as surety on a bond in a criminal proceeding or as an agent of such surety, engage in the business of taking or attempting to take into custody the principal on the bond who has failed to appear in court and for whom a re-arrest warrant or capias has been issued pursuant to CGS 54-65a of the general statutes unless such person is licensed as a professional bondsmen under chapter 533 of the general statutes, a surety bail bond agent under chapter 700f of the general statutes, or a bail enforcement agent under CGS 29-152f to 29-152i, inclusive.

Information can be found in the following categories:

Administrative Directives

The following materials must be submitted by all applicants for a bail enforcement agent license:

  1. Bail Enforcement Agent (BEA) License Application, Form DPS-10-C, accurately completed and notarized. Also, include a certified check or money order for $200.00 made payable to Treasuer, State of Connecticut
  2. Two (2) recent photographs, 2” x 2”, full face passport style.
  3. Return completed fingerprint card (DPS 125-c) with a cashiers check or money order in the amounts of $13.25, and $75.00 both payable to the Treasuer, State of Connecticut. Prints may be rolled at your local P.D. or the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection in Middletown.
  4. Motor vehicle driving record for the past three (3) years from the motor vehicle agency in the state of residence of the applicant.
    1. A copy of applicant’s valid drivers's license.
  5. If applicant has been in the military, a copy of his/her DD-214 or other documentation to indicate type of discharge.
  6. Sign, date and notarize the "Authorization for Release of Personal Information" form.
  7. Four (4) letters of character reference signed by the persons providing the reference. These letters are to be sent directly from the author to the attention of BEA Investigator, Special Licensing & Firearms Unit. Letters must include the addresses and telephone numbers of the authors. Form letters are not acceptable and will be returned. We will not accept those letters mailed to or hand carried by
    the applicant. The letters must be submitted to this office within 60 days of submission of application.
  8. If applicant is retired or separated from a local or state police department, a letter of discharge must be sent from the former employer to this department. This letter from said department must describe length of service, duties and date of retirement or separation.
  9. A recent credit bureau report ( for licensee only).
  10. A copy of high school diploma or GED, or college transcript.
  11. If the applicant is currently under any psychiatric care, a letter from the attending psychologist or psychiatric must be mailed to this office to verify the applicant’s ability to hold the license being applied for.
  12. The applicant must be a U.S Citizen, or a naturalized U.S. Citizen.
  13. Applicants seeking application for bail enforcement agent must provide a certificate or transcript showing, within five 5 years prior to the date of application, the applicant must have completed a course in the criminal justice system consisting of not less than (20) hours of study approved by the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection.
  14. Applicants seeking a special gun permit to carry a pistol, revolver or other firearms while engaging in the business of bail enforcement agent, or while traveling to or from such business must provide proof of satisfaction to the Commissioner of Emergency Services And Public Protection that he/she has successfully completed a gun safety course, approved by the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection. All applicants seeking such license are required to have a Connecticut State pistol permit prior to applying for the special BEA gun permit. Refer to the blue sheet for Instructors approved to teach both the 20 hour Criminal Justice and Firearms Training.
  15. Uniform required: While attempting to apprehend a principal on a bond, all bail enforcement agents at all times will wear a jacket, shirt, or vest with (2) two inch yellow reflective letters spelling the words, “Bail Enforcement Agents” in full on the front and back of such clothing. The agent will also wear the Identification card issued by the State Police Special Licensing & Firearms Unit visibly above the waist.
  16. Applicants should be aware that an oral interview will be conducted by the Investigator. The applicant must submit all the items requested, minus the character reference letters to the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit.
    1. Only COMPLETE applications will be accepted. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant.
  17. Return “COMPLETED” applications to:
    1. All information requested must be submitted to this office within 60 days of receipt of application. Failure to submit required information within the 60 days will require another completed application, to include; application, photos, prints, credit bureau report and fees, etc. The process will be treated as a new application.
    2. State of Connecticut
      Special Licensing & Firearms Unit
      Attn: BEA Investigator
      1111 Country Club Road
      Middletown, CT 06457-9294
Qualifications for License

The license requirements are set forth in CGS 29-152f. Applicants must submit an application detailing their name, age, date and place of birth, residence and occupation. The applicant must also disclose if they have ever been convicted of a crime. Persons convicted of a felony or any one of 11 misdemeanor charges detailed in the statute are ineligible to obtain a license. All applicants are required to complete a 20 hour training course prior to obtaining a license. The training is provided by private instructors that teach an approved curriculum. A list of instructors and approved curriculums can be accessed below.

The fingerprints and photographs of the applicant are also collected. A detailed background investigation is conducted to determine the suitability of the applicant. The background investigation includes an in person interview. A person vested with police powers is ineligible to be licensed as a bail enforcement agent. The background investigation typically takes 8 weeks to complete. A license is issued for a period of 1 year and the fee for a license is $200.00.

Rules and Regulations
License Revocation

Any bail enforcement agent’s license may be suspended or revoked by the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection, provided notice shall have been given to the licensee to appear before the Commissioner to show cause why the license should not be suspended or revoked, upon finding by the commissioner that:

  1. The licensee has violated any of the terms or provisions of chapter 533a inclusive, or section 29-152o-1 to 29-152o-8, inclusive, of the Regulation of Connecticut State Agencies;
  2. The licensee has practiced fraud, deceit or misrepresentation;
  3. The licensee has made a material misstatement in the application for issuance or renewal of his license;
  4. The licensee has demonstrated incompetence or untrustworthiness in the conduct of his business;
  5. The licensee has been convicted of a felony or other crime affecting his honesty, integrity or moral fitness.

Any party aggrieved by an order of the Commissioner, concerning revocation of a BEA license, may appeal in accordance with the provisions of section 4-183 of the Connecticut General Statutes, except venue for such appeal shall be in the Judicial District of Hartford-New Britain.

In accordance with the provision of section 4-182(c) of the Connecticut General Statute, if the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection finds that public health, safety or welfare imperatively requires emergency action, and incorporates a finding to that effect in its order, summary suspension of a bail enforcement agent license may be ordered pending proceedings for revocation or other action.

Supplemental Firearms Permit

CGS 29-152m requires that any professional bondsmen licensed under Chapter 533, surety bail bond agent licensed under chapter 700f, or bail enforcement agent licensed under sections 29-152f to 29-152i, inclusive, that desires to carry a pistol, revolver or other firearm while engaging in the business of a professional bondsmen, surety bail bond agent or bail enforcement agent, as the case may be, or while traveling to or from such business, must first obtain a special permit from the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection. The permit is issued in accordance with subsection (b) of 29-152m. The permit is in addition to the permit requirements imposed under CGS sec. 29-28.

Applicants for a permit must complete a course of instruction approved by the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection. The course is offered by private instructors and involves classroom training in safety and use of firearms and range qualification. Upon completion of the course, the firearm instructor signs off on the reverse side of the application form. The application form is then submitted to the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit. A $62.00 application fee is charged for issuance of the permit. The permit is good for 5 years unless suspended or revoked, and runs parallel with the expiration date of the Connecticut State Pistol Permit.

The Supplemental Firearm Permit Application Form must be obtained from SLFU. The form can not be downloaded off the website. You can arrange to have an application form mailed to you by calling (860) 685-8160 and requesting same. A list of approved firearm instructors and curriculums is provided with the application form or can be accessed below.

License Renewals

Each person licensed as a bail enforcement agent may apply for a renewal of his/her license upon renewal application forms provided by the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection. The forms will be mailed to the licensee’s address sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the license. A license shall be renewed for a period of 1 year. Upon expiration there is no grace period. For the purpose of this section, a bail enforcement agent shall complete Form DPS-53-C to apply for renewal of his/her license to engage in the business of a bail enforcement agent. Prior to re-issuance of such license, the commissioner shall, from information disclosed on such forms, determine whether or not such agent’s fitness to continue in the business of bail enforcement agent has changed since the issuance of any prior license. The cost of obtaining a license renewal shall be $100.00. .

Some forms you can mail to DESPP, others you must bring with you to DESPP. If the form you need is either not listed or unable to to be downloaded from the site, please e-mail us and we will mail you the form. If you want to access a form that can be downloaded, you must use the software called Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print them. To get a free copy of the software, click "Get Acrobat".
Form Number Form Name
DPS-10-c Application for a Bail Enforcement Agent License *
DPS-53-c Renewal Application for Bail Enforcement Agent License- Adobe pdf
DPS-53-c Renewal Application for Bail Enforcement Agent License- MS Word
Authorization for Release of Personal Information
List of Approved Instructors to teach BEA 20 hour Basic Course and Firearms Course.
* Applicants for a Bail Enforcement Agent license must submit both a State and Federal applicant fingerprint card. These cards may be obtained from any state police barracks or SLFU.

Last Date Modified: 11/07/2018