Child Protection - Assigned Counsel Procedures

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OCPD-Child Protection Assigned Counsel Procedures

Child Protection Procedures for Assigned Counsel
  OCPD Performance Standards
Performance Standard for Counsel in Child Protection Matters 
OCPD-Translation Services
OCPD has contracted with Interpreters and Translators Inc. ( to provide translation services to Assigned Counsel in their ability to communicate with clients.  Prior Authorization forms are still required for approval prior to obtaining a translator.  Assigned Counsel to contact Interpreters and Translators Inc. directly to obtain price quote.  

Company Name:   Interpreters and Translators, Inc.
Company Address:  263 Main St., Manchester, CT 06042-3538
Telephone: 860-647-0686   Fax: 860-432-5357
Contacts:  Elba R. Pagano
   Kathryn Howroyd
Rates for services only and require 2 hour minimum:
$75 - Spanish;
$80 - Bosnian, French, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Vietnamese;
$85 - Other languages;
(Billing for travel, parking, etc. are not allowed)

Child Protection - Monthly Practice Memos