Child Protection Appeals
Seperated Bar


In all cases where your client wishes to appeal a final judgment in a child protection case:

• The lawyer must have the client sign an application for waiver of costs & fees and request for appointment of counsel. This must be filed with the court, along with a Motion to Extend Time for filing the appeal.

• It is the responsibility of trial counsel to complete the Appeal Review Request Form in Filemaker to request the appointment of appellate counsel, or for appellate review.   

• An expedited transcript must be ordered from the official court reporter by trial counsel.  Counsel must also request approval for transcripts in the Filemaker system under Appeal Review.  There is no need to wait for approval to place the order.
• Trial counsel should not move to withdraw from the underlying child protection case.  Appellate counsel will not file an appearance in the underlying case for the client.  Trial counsel should remain in the case to handle issues outside the appeal.

Below is additional handout for parents

A Guide Appeal Review Process for Parents