This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases

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  • 3/26/2018 Gov. Malloy Statement Regarding Comments Made on the Floor of the Senate by Senator Fasano

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy released the following statement regarding remarks made on the floor of the State Senate this afternoon by Senate Republican President Pro Tempore Senator Len Fasano concerning the nomination of Associate Justice Andrew J. McDonald to serve as Chief Justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court.

  • 3/26/2018 Gov. Malloy’s Prepared Remarks from Today’s News Conference at the State Capitol

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy delivered the following prepared remarks regarding the nomination for Chief Justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court during a news conference this afternoon at the State Capitol in Hartford.

  • 3/25/2018 Gov. Malloy’s Prepared Remarks from Today’s News Conference at the State Capitol

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy delivered the following prepared remarks regarding the nomination for Chief Justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court during a news conference this afternoon at the State Capitol in Hartford.

  • 3/22/2018 Gov. Malloy Testifies in Support of Banning Bump Stocks and Other Rate of Fire Enhancements

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy has submitted written testimony in support of a legislative proposal being considered in the Connecticut General Assembly’s Judiciary Committee that will ban enhancements that increase the rate of fire of a semiautomatic weapon, including items such as bump stocks, trigger cranks, binary trigger systems, and other modifications. The committee held a public hearing on the proposal today at the Legislative Office Building.

  • 3/21/2018 Gov. Malloy, Teachers Highlight Importance of Keeping Guns Out of Classrooms

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy, State Department of Education Commissioner Dianna Wentzell, and educators from Hartford and Newtown today held a roundtable discussion on the impact of gun violence in schools. According to a recent Washington Post analysis, over 187,000 students at more than 200 schools in 36 states have been affected by gun violence in school since the shooting at Columbine High School in April 1999. There have been 17 school shootings so far in 2018. Most recently, a gunman opened fire in a Great Mills, Maryland high school, injuring two students.

  • 3/21/2018 Gov. Malloy Reminds Connecticut Residents the Deadline to Apply for Home Heating Assistance is May 1

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy is reminding Connecticut residents who need help paying their home heating bills for the 2017/2018 winter season that there is still time to apply for assistance under the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program. The general deadline for applications is May 1, 2018, however eligible households that are subject to a shut-off notice by a utility for heating bills have an extended deadline of May 15.

  • 3/21/2018 Gov. Malloy Hails Committee Approval of Legislation on Climate Change and Storm Resiliency

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy is hailing the Connecticut General Assembly’s Environment Committee for voting to approve a legislative proposal he introduced that will mark a major step forward in Connecticut’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare the state for the ongoing effects of climate change and sea level rise. The committee voted to approve the bill this afternoon by a bipartisan vote of 19-11.

  • 3/21/2018 Gov. Malloy Statement on Committee Passage of Bill to Help Stabilize Transportation Funding

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy released the following statement regarding the Transportation Committee's approval of legislation this afternoon that will help stabilize the state’s transportation funding in the long-term. It now moves to the Finance Committee for its consideration.

  • 3/20/2018 Gov. Malloy Applauds Legislative Approval of Home Care Workers Agreement

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy released the following statement applauding both chambers of the Connecticut General Assembly for voting today to give final approval to an amended contract for personal care attendants, which raises wages and adds workers’ compensation for thousands of workers across the state.

  • 3/20/2018 Gov. Malloy Notifies State Employees of Change in Designation Terminology Used During Weather-Related and Other Emergency Situations

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that he has signed an executive order modifying the terminology used to describe the designation levels of executive branch state employees during weather-related and other emergency situations. Previously, when the state has experienced severe weather or other types of emergency situations, executive branch state employees have been referred to as “essential” or “nonessential” based on their respective job duties as required to address the needs of Connecticut’s residents in the face of urgent situations that can have an adverse effect on health and safety.

  • 3/20/2018 Gov. Malloy Announces Partial Activation of State’s Emergency Operations Center at 2pm Wednesday

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that he will partially activate the state’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) beginning at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 21, 2018 to monitor storm conditions across the state and prepare for winter weather that is forecast to have an impact on afternoon travel. Forecasts are showing a range of accumulation across the state, with the heaviest amounts occurring in central and eastern Connecticut.

  • 3/19/2018 Gov. Malloy and Lt. Gov. Wyman Applaud Committee Adoption of Workplace Fairness Bills

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy and Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman are applauding the Connecticut General Assembly’s Labor and Public Employees Committee for voting today to adopt a series of reforms the Governor proposed to improve fairness for employees in the workplace, including the expansion of the state’s first-in-the-nation paid sick leave law, an update to existing anti-harassment requirements to better address today’s challenges, and the advancement of measures that will help ensure fairness and equal pay for equal work regardless of race or gender.

  • 3/19/2018 Gov. Malloy Introduces Juvenile Justice Reform Legislation

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that he has submitted two legislative proposals to the Connecticut General Assembly that will help avoid exposing young people to the adult criminal justice system, giving them a chance at a life full of potential instead of a life of crime. Both bills are scheduled to receive public hearings in the legislature’s Judiciary Committee tomorrow, March 21.

  • 3/18/2018 Gov. Malloy, Commissioner Klee Push for Environmental and Energy Bills

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy and Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Commissioner Rob Klee today advocated for the passage of the Malloy administration’s environmental protection and resiliency bill, as well as the Governor’s energy bill, both of which have received public hearings in recent weeks. Taken together, the two bills would represent a major step in Connecticut’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase accessibility of residential rooftop solar, and combat the effects of climate change.

  • 3/15/2018 Gov. Malloy and Lt. Gov. Wyman Statements on Public Safety Committee Refusal to Vote on Bump Stock Ban

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy and Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman today released the following statements in reaction to the Public Safety Committee’s refusal to vote on legislation banning “rate of fire enhancements,” including bump stocks, binary trigger systems and trigger cranks. These devices modify the speed at which a weapon can be fired to machine-gun-like speeds, and were used in the Las Vegas shooting, where the shooter was able to fire an estimated 90 shots in 10 seconds.