This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy’s Prepared Remarks from Today’s News Conference at the State Capitol

(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy delivered the following prepared remarks regarding the nomination for Chief Justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court during a news conference this afternoon at the State Capitol in Hartford:

I began this session by using my State of the State address to highlight our state’s rich history of fairness. I pointed to specific examples of how we have set ourselves apart from other states in our constant pursuit of being an ever more perfect society and more perfect state. And I spoke about how in light of the divisive, demeaning, and destructive tactics we see unfolding in Washington, we are obligated to continue to serve as a beacon of hope for civility, compassion and fairness.

Today, we fell woefully short of living up to that standard. More specifically, Connecticut’s Republican Party fell short.

I am deeply disappointed and gravely concerned with the antics and shameful charade put on today by Senator Fasano and his caucus. Their tortured explanations do not stand up to basic standards of logic. They are in fact, thinly veiled excuses for blocking the appointment of an eminently qualified jurist as Chief Justice of our State Supreme Court. Someone who has won wide, bipartisan support among Connecticut lawyers, deans of law schools, and editorial boards. Time-honored traditions and the integrity of an independent judiciary were thrown by the wayside.

It is now an undeniable fact that Andrew McDonald has been treated differently than others who came before him. It begs the question, what is different about Justice McDonald that so concerns Connecticut Republicans?

I cannot say for sure why they chose to go down this path. Only they can answer for the true intention of today’s obstruction. But make no mistake, they will be called to account for their actions – by their constituents, by the voters, and by the legal community.

There was much talk in today’s debate about homophobia. You’ve heard my comments on that topic, so I will just add one thing I haven’t said before, which is this: A person doesn’t need to use homophobic slurs in order for their actions to be homophobic. In fact, a person doesn’t even need to consciously know they are acting with bias at all. This is a documented and researched phenomenon known as “unconscious bias.”

If there is a silver lining from today’s vote, it is the honorable and passionate defense of Justice McDonald made by many Democratic State Senators and the admirable leadership of Senator Looney and Duff.

On behalf of Nancy, the judiciary, and the State of Connecticut, we want to thank these Senators for standing on the side of reason, compassion and fairness.

I also want to again thank Democratic leaders in the House for their hard work and strong voices in defense of an eminently qualified nominee.

And finally, I want to thank Justice McDonald. He did not deserve the treatment he was given. At every turn, he comported himself with dignity, just as he has done throughout his career, and throughout his time as a public servant. I’m sorry he had to go through this. But I am also confident that history will judge his accomplishments and his character far more favorably than that of the individuals who voted against him today.

I know that many people will want to know what is next. Beginning this evening, I will need to consider that question, and I will have more to say in the coming days.

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Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy