Executive Orders
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Executive Order 68
Declares December 5, 2018 a Day of Remembrance to honor the life and service of President George H.W. Bush and asks Connecticut residents to observe a minute of silence at 10:00 a.m. on that day.
Executive Order 67
Directs state agencies to conduct a comprehensive assessment on implementing a new funding plan for Connecticut’s transportation system.
Executive Order 66
Directs the state’s Water Planning Council to implement the State Water Plan.
Executive Order 65
Modifies the terminology used to describe the designation levels of executive branch state employees during weather-related and other emergency situations to "Level 1" and "Level 2" employees.
Executive Order 64
Directs the creation of an analysis to review the potential methods and requirements needed to implement voting by mail for all local, state, and federal elections in Connecticut.
Executive Order 63
Designates Whiting Forensic Hospital as a separate entity from Connecticut Valley Hospital.
Executive Order 62
Directs state agencies to conduct a review of policies and procedures regarding harassment in the workplace.
Executive Order 61
Repeals Governor Rell’s Executive Order No. 19 and implements the Office of Policy and Management’s new information technology procurement policy as required by state statute.
Executive Order 60
Reinforces the state’s nondiscrimination policies within the Connecticut Military Department.
Executive Order 59
Directs the relevant state agencies to conduct a resource assessment to evaluate the current and projected economic viability for the continued operation of the Millstone nuclear generating facilities in order for the state to determine a path forward that best benefits the residents of Connecticut.
Executive Order 58
Continues operation of essential functions of state government in the absence of an approved appropriations act for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2017.
Executive Order 57
Transfers the Independent Mortality Review Board and the Fatality Review Board from the Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities to the Department of Developmental Services.
Executive Order 56
Affirms the protection of students from discrimination based on sex, including gender identity or expression, and directs the State Department of Education, the Board of Regents, and the University of Connecticut to develop guidance and policies consistent with Connecticut laws on this matter.
Executive Order 51A
Makes modifications to Executive Order No. 51, which established the Certificate of Need Taskforce.
Executive Order 55
Updates the nomination process for the Connecticut Veterans Hall of Fame.