A State agency wishing to purchase health or human services or personal services must submit a procurement plan to OPM for review and approval. Approved plans are posted below. The purchase of such services must also abide by the procurement standards established by OPM.
Procurement Plans FY 20-22
- Office of Attorney General
- Charter Oak College
- Chief Medical Examiner
CT State Library
CT Port Authority
Department of Developmental Services
Department of Housing
Department of Administrative Services
Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Department of Agriculture
Department of Children and Families
Department of Correction
Department of Insurance
Department of Motor Vehicles
- Department of Rehabilitative Services
- Department of Social Services
- Department of Transportation
- Department of Economic Community Development
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
Office of Health Strategy
Office of Protection and Advocacy
Office of Early Childhood
Office of Policy and Management
Office of State Treasurer
Office of State Comptroller
Teacher's Retirement Board
Past Procurement Plans
Department of Correction FY 16-18 FY 13-15
Department of Housing FY 16-18
Department of Developmental Services FY 16-18 FY 13-15
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services FY 16-18 FY 13-15
Department of Public Health FY 16-18 FY 13-15
Department of Rehabilitation Services FY 16-18
Department of Social Services FY 16-18 FY 13-15
Department of Children and Families FY 16-18 FY 13-15
Office of Early Childhood FY 16-18

This template is provided to assist an agency in developing a procurement schedule. The procurement schedule in one of eight required components in an agency's procurement plan. When fully and properly completed, the schedule will provide all the information required by OPM.
Sample Procurement Template
Schedule Amendment
If an agency wishes to change a service from competitive to non-competitive on its approved schedule, a Request To Amend Procurement Schedule must be submitted to OPM, via CORE-CT, at least three months before the service is scheduled for competitive procurement. No requested amended to the procurement schedule shall be implemented until the agency receives written approval from OPM. An agency should allow (at least) 15 business days for OPM to review a requested amendment to the procurement schedule. If approved, an agency must publish the amended procurement schedule on its website.
An agency may also decided - at any time and for any reason - to conduct a competitive procurement for an existing service, if an agency deems it necessary, appropriate, or otherwise in the best interest of the State. In such instances, an agency is required to submit a Request To Amend Procurement Schedule to OPM, via CORE-CT, to rescind an approved program waiver. If approved, an agency must publish the amended procurement schedule on its website. As a courtesy, an agency should also notify any current contractor(s) providing the service about the amended procurement schedule.
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