This is a beta website for the Office of Policy and Management (OPM). Please visit the current OPM website.

students and school discipline

using youth behavior data


School personnel learn
new approaches to discipline

Ansonia sentences
kids to … gym time?

Bridgeport cops, kids stop
giving each other a bad rap

Old Lyme cop club
helps kids shine

right response CT

CT just start—unequal treatment of youth

school police collaboration

school police training

using youth behavior data

understanding disciplinary data

CT juvenile justice

CT funding opportunities


Do you think kids of different races/ethnicities behave similarly?

There are two major youth survey data sources in the United States that provide information that might answer this question.

The Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) monitors a wide range of priority health risk behaviors among representative samples of high school students at the national, state, and local levels.

The Monitoring the Future (MTF) an ongoing study of the behaviors, attitudes, and values of American students and young adults funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.