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Click for Set the Rules CT HomeImage Links to help you talk to your child
Too Smart to Startis a public education Web site developed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to convey to parents and adults how to help promote their child's  mental  health  and reduce risk of being involved with alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs.
Parent Tool Kit motivates and equips parents to prevent children from using drugs and alcohol, and to find help and treatment for family and friends in trouble. Interactive tools translate the latest science and research on teen behavior, addiction and treatment into easy to understand tips and tools. 
A Parent’s Guide to the Teen Brain explores the science behind teenage brain development and how it shapes teenage attitude and behavior through video, interactive segments, scenario role-playing, and practical advice from experts.  There are tools and tips designed to help you connect with your teen. Get insights into teen brain development and the dangers and impact of alcohol.
StopAlcoholAbuse.Gov is a comprehensive portal of federal What to Knowresources for information on underage drinking and ideas for combating this issue.

What to Know: Your children need information to make good decisions. Learn about the facts and consequences of underage drinking.
What to Say: Your children benefit from talking with you about what’s going on in their lives. Don’t wait until a problem arises to talk with them about drinking alcohol. 

What to Do: Take steps to build strong relationships with your children. Your ongoing involvement, care, and concern will help your children stay safe.
Make a Difference: Talk to Your Child about Alcohol: The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) has developed this guide for parents and guardians of youth ages 10 to 14. Your child looks to you for guidance and support in making decisions—including the decision not to use alcohol.  Parents’ disapproval of youthful alcohol use is the key reason children choose not to drink.   You can make a difference.        Spanish: Read More
Parents EmpoweredParents Empowered offers parents a wealth of information. This site, based in Utah, provides parents and guardians with information about the harmful effects of alcohol on the developing teen brain, along with proven skills for preventing underage alcohol use, regardless of where you live.
Parents the Anti-DrugParents: The Anti Drug informs parents about alcohol and drugs and how to talk to teens about them. This site talks about technology, how kids use it, and provides valuable information for ALL parents and guardians.
Why 21Why 21 is a campaign to keep 21 the minimum legal drinking age.  Resources for parents include how to talk with your teen, tough questions and answers, and tips to protect your teen from drinking alcohol.
Time to TalkTime to Talk has free, easy-to-use, research-based tools and tips to help you have ongoing conversations with your kids to keep them healthy and drug-free.   Parents influence their children to make healthy choices.  Talking to your kids about the risks of alcohol isn’t as hard as you think.
Underage Drinking Enforcement Training Center (UDETC) has a vision to create healthier and safer environments in which states, communities, and federal entities engage in prevention and enforcement practices that proactively and effectively limit youth access and reduce harm associated to alcohol.
Effects and Consequences of Underage Drinking  This bulletin from the federal Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention published in September 2012 presents findings from a literature review that investigated how underage drinking can affect a youth’s physical, emotional, and neurological health. It also discusses the personal, legal, and economic consequences of underage drinking.