Recruitment and Selection Unit


Selection Unit Office

294 Colony Street
Meriden, Connecticut
(203) 630-8070


The Connecticut State Police Recruitment and Selection Unit is dedicated to recruiting and selecting qualified candidates for appointment as State Police Trooper Trainees. This process includes administering all testing phases from the written examination up until applicants are appointed to the Training Academy for recruit training.  Our participation in the selection process ensures fairness and consistency throughout the entire process.  The selection process will be administered in such a way that only those applicants who meet the various job related standards are offered positions of appointment.  The Recruitment and Selection Unit will actively recruit and participate in events that will foster a diverse applicant pool.  It is the goal of the Recruitment and Selections Unit to broaden the extent in which information about the Connecticut State Police is disseminated to the public and in particular, those persons interested in a career as law enforcement officers.  Finally, to show our commitment to those persons transitioning to life as a recruit in the Connecticut State Police Academy, we pledge a system of support to help guarantee their success.

The selection process reflects the Affirmative Action commitment of the State of Connecticut and, in particular, the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection.

If you have an interest in having the Connecticut State Police attend a career fair or conduct an informational presentation, please contact contact the Recruitment & Selection Unit directly at
(203) 630-8070. Please note the new phone number.

Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Employer

