Career Opportunities

Major Crime Squad is an investigative unit in which investigators process major crime scenes and assume primary investigative responsibility for homicides, bank robberies, assaults that may result in death, kidnappings and suspicious deaths. Major crime squads also assists troops with complex crime scene management, evidence processing and extensive follow-up investigations.
Emergency Services Unit consists of the Bomb Squad, Dive Team, Aviation Unit, Tactical Team, Marine Unit, and Canine Training Unit and is responsible for providing specialized service to all other State Police Troops and Units, as well as all municipal police agencies throughout the state.
Traffic Units selectively enforce traffic laws; conduct other assignments as directed; coordinate traffic enforcement efforts with other traffic units, other agencies; and perform accident reconstruction duties as required.
Bureau of Criminal Investigations is an investigative unit which covers Statewide Narcotics Task Force, Auto Theft Unit, Statewide Organized Crime Investigative Task Force, Central Criminal Intelligence Unit, Casino Licensing and Operations Section, Statewide Cooperative Crime Control Task Force, Extraditions Unit, and the Fugitive Task Force.
Fire Investigations Unit will investigate fire, arson and explosion investigations when required by town officials. Troopers assigned to this unit are usually assigned to investigate larger or complicated fires or explosions where highly trained personnel are required.
Forensic Laboratory personnel provide technical assistance to the department and to other law enforcement agencies in various areas of evidence processing; testing and identification; toxicology; crime reconstruction and computer related crimes.
Polygraph Unit conducts polygraph examinations for criminal investigations and pre-employment examinations for police agencies.
Resident Trooper must meet contract requirements entered into between the department and the town to which the resident trooper is assigned in addition to being accountable for the various duties of supervisors and troopers.